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Everything posted by Kaffarov37

  1. Kaffarov37

    I need a CZ 550

    I sometimes find them in clan campsites. Your the first person that I have seen that wants a CZ550 over an AS50.
  2. Kaffarov37

    I need a CZ 550

    I am always finding CZ550 mags, but I can never find a CZ550.
  3. Kaffarov37

    Favorite youtuber for Dayz?

    SideStrafe and FrankieOnPCIn1080p
  4. Kaffarov37

    800+ Sniper Kill!

    Illegal weapon indeed, ether way nice kill.
  5. I found a chopper on a private hive. I decided to be nice and tell everyone. soon i got shot. :(
  6. Kaffarov37

    Broken Leg Madness o__o

  7. Kaffarov37

    DayZ favorite map

    I think I listed all of them. My favorite is Chernarus. Fallujah is my most disliked map. Which is your favorite, or say in the comments which one you do not like. :/
  8. Kaffarov37

    DayZ favorite map

    Never herd of that one.
  9. Kaffarov37

    Found a hacked Sniper??

    Yes we all know the AS50TWS is hacked in. Destroy it so no one else can use it.
  10. Kaffarov37

    DMR/M14 any tips?

    Booth take 2 bullets to kill player, and 1 in the head. booth really good guns.
  11. Kaffarov37

    DayZ favorite map

    Takistan is just an open desert.
  12. Kaffarov37

    DayZ favorite map

    To get well armed you must go north in Chenarus, which is also where everyone else is going. And when you get to the NWAF all of the loot is gone. and then someone shoots you with an AS50 and the process repeats.
  13. Kaffarov37

    new PvP'ing clan

    SVD camo is easy and fun to use
  14. Kaffarov37


    Same! AS50 is easy to find but Cz550 is a gun I haven't seen in months.
  15. Kaffarov37

    DayZ favorite map

    I'm gettoing close to 300. ._.
  16. Kaffarov37

    Dark day for script-kiddies coming

    The worst is when the hacker insta kills everyone.
  17. Kaffarov37

    Come on down! US2091

    Is it a private hive?
  18. Kaffarov37

    is a 1.4 ghz quad core enough?

    Your laptop will implode.
  19. Kaffarov37

    Grounded the little turd

    Good thing you banned him for 2 months.
  20. Kaffarov37

    My char needs the bathroom...

    That would be awkward.
  21. Kaffarov37

    Fallujah Reference Map

    Good job.
  22. The lazer marker is pointless to have anyway. You need batteries to use it.