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About Chimiran7

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Chimiran7

    Looking to Explore

    I'll join as well, tired of going it solo, just send me the info and I'll play when the servers are back up. Steam name: Chimiran
  2. Chimiran7

    Eastern US Group Survival!

    Also on eastern time, send me a message over steam if you wanna team up. Steam: Chimiran
  3. Chimiran7

    Need a party!

    I'll join, steam name: Chimiran Also, what will we use to communicate in game?
  4. Chimiran7

    Looking for a few more

    I'd like to join as well, steam name is Chimiran. Just send me a message over steam for vent.
  5. Name: Chimiran Age: 19 Location: Eastern U.S. Vent or TS: normally use ventrilo Average play time a day: 4-6 hours Just send me a message over steam if you wanna play. Getting kinda tired of playing solo.