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Everything posted by The_Man

  1. The_Man

    Best Music To Play DayZ To.

    White Lunar - Nick Cave and Warren Ellis.
  2. I don't see why anyone should be upset about getting hurt/killed by other players in this game or outside of any games. People like this exist in the world and complaining won't change a thing. Only you are to blame if you can't avoid them. My advice: If you want to be a good guy then don't take the first shot. There is nothing submissive about that. Use your energy to hide, escape and conserve your supplies. If you get killed, then unlike in the real world...learn from your mistakes and man up.
  3. Hopefully this post influences them to create a more varied AI for the Zs. I ran through Cherno today and got into a fire fight with 1 other player. I got him but he hurt me pretty bad. I was down to 4,000b and couldn't see anything. I decided to broadcast as I ran through the city so someone could get my loot if they wanted to. I was sure I wasn't going to make it. Well, I was wrong. I ran past at least 5 Zs and they decided to kill and sit above another player. I could actually loot his body while they were sitting around him.