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Everything posted by The_Man

  1. The_Man

    Mountain Dew

    You can use it to poison wild animals. That is what it tastes like anyway.
  2. The_Man

    [VIDEO] Kidnapping ends badly

    Intense video!
  3. The_Man

    DMR mil dots for CLOSER targets

    First dot would be 1. 1.3 would be a little less than half between 1 and 2. 2.7 would be a little more than half between 2 and 3.
  4. The_Man

    Where's My Candians At?

    I don't live in Canada but I'm from there. Mind if I join that Anti-Bandit group? Here is my steam community profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/12020902384902409/
  5. I usually post this to people who need help looking for guns. It is the most simple way I know of finding a simple set up with weapons and other items. Use this map as reference (Use landmarks to find out where you are) www.http://dayzmap.info/ Then use this map I made to do a run for loot. Be careful near the barns. Approach low and slowly. Let the zombies walk away from you then move in. Same with the deer stands: http://i48.tinypic.com/kehs9d.jpg
  6. I'm a new player and I appreciate this game. It has so much potential. I am one of the people that played Operation Flashpoint before it was officially released. Maybe I am biased because this game feels nostalgic to me but I don't think that is just it. ARMA II was on sale on steam so don't be too surprised when we get a bunch of kids who are used to being served with silver platters. There should really only be a section for people dedicated to help the Alpha in a mature manner with constructive criticism. Strict moderation.
  7. First off, starting with no guns or weapons was concerning. I had no idea what to do except run like a frantic fool. I decided to do 10 minutes of research online to give me a head start. The endless amounts of help online are more than enough. It will take you hours to find 1 weapon if you do not care to spend a little time learning about the game. It doesn't cater to idiots. Survival of the fittest in a way. Many people in this game are killers. It is the entire premise of the game. The prized moments are when you meet friendly people. It balances out. You dont need to meet friendly every day. It is nice and I enjoy it when it does rarely happen. Honestly, do you expect to team up with someone you just met? Don't ask to team up right away, it seems suspicious. Just talk like normal people and part ways. If they are really friendly then they will let you tag along. I became part of a group after I lost all my weapons in a lake and I was hurting bad. You don't suck at the game. You just don't want to get better.
  8. Same thing happened in 2 different Los Angeles servers for me.
  9. The_Man

    This is why I shoot other players.

    Limit yourself to only 1 can of soda, beans in your backpack. Use that for emergency rations in case you don't find food for a while. Or you could just not eat that stuff and eat only wildlife? I don't know. Have fun with it.
  10. The_Man

    Day Z etiquette

    AN* You can shoot people on sight, loot corpses, herd zombies into the ocean but please! Do not forget your grammar!
  11. The_Man

    Day Z etiquette

    You are right. Paranoia has negative connotations and I should have used better diction. I think maybe if they increased the distance of chat then it might be better? It is hard to say you are friendly when both people have rifles...I agree about the 2nd thing. Problem is...I've only made friends with people who didn't have long range weapons.
  12. The_Man

    I feel bad...

    You should feel bad! If you felt anything else after murdering someone in cold blood then there might be a problem!
  13. Hello, this is my first thread. I have been playing this game for maybe 30+ hours. So far, I've enjoyed it. I have been using a tactic that I'm almost sure works but I want to confirm it with others to see if I'm delirious. When approach a building that spawns zombies I usually approach it straight on until I see them spawn. 80-90% of the time they are headed in my direction. They continue this path consistently and sometimes deviate from it at less than 180 degrees. After they take a couple meters of distance, I change my direction horizontally and then try to get behind them or go in at a different angle. Essentially I make them walk away from the building. This has almost always worked for me rather than walking straight to the building or something else. Any others experience this or try it?
  14. The_Man

    Leading a zombie on?

    Considering that many new players don't know how to deal with zombies...I think it was relevant to post this. I only do this when I have no weapon and need to get into a barn. Well even if it was sarcasm then whatever...It is noobs like me that raise the average time alive and I'm trying to help. Sorry if this is Dayz 101 but you gotta start somewhere!
  15. The_Man

    Leading a zombie on?

    Okay, well, It works best with barns or deer stands where they spawn inside or around it. I haven't tried it with much else (cities and other areas such as airfields). It works best when you see them coming towards you and you go prone, roll or skid to the right or left then just get past them from a 45-90 degree angle. If a bandit or psycho survivor isn't murdering my ass then it works 80% of the time 100% of the time. Thanks for the beans.
  16. The_Man

    Starting Dayz

    This is how I got started: http://dayzmap.info/ Look for landmarks or land formations that can help determine where you are. I posted a map in another thread around here that tells you where to find food, water and some weapons. Here is the link to that map: http://i48.tinypic.com/kehs9d.jpg
  17. The_Man

    Leading a zombie on?

    Is this sarcasm? I'm really new and I don't know if this an obvious thing to do.
  18. The_Man

    Day Z etiquette

    Welcome to Dayz. I'm fairly new as well. You are only contributing to the paranoid player that seems to be growing in this game. That is fine. It is hard to trust players in this game. However, the way I see it, there is a likely chance you will die later on anyway in a firefight. I think the benefit of risking your life in game to potentially meet someone cool is worth it. Heck, I've only really met 2 people I've continued to play with in this game. But by not being violent...I have met maybe 10+ people who I spoke to for 2 minutes and we carried on. Honestly, the maps are huge. You really have to be careless to run into people in this game in the woods. Sometimes I think people SEEK conflict in this game. I only expect to kill or be killed in the city. Perhaps you should change how you travel. Or you could just risk it. I like the risk. I don't like loosing my gear but it teaches me to not hold onto things that aren't important. Pixels < Sanity :) Hope this helps.
  19. The_Man

    Where can I get my first gun?

    This is from my personal stash: A low/medium risk run that will yield a few weapons and food. Good if you have a canteen because you can hit the lakes up on the way: This is a nice quick run that will get you a nice load out to prepare yourself for slightly higher risk runs into a city or the like. Use this map to help you find these locations: http://dayzmap.info/
  20. You need the man in your group. Not a man. The man. I am the man. My in game name is also Man. Just kidding. Good luck and be careful out there and share beans with the man if you happen across him in the road.
  21. The_Man

    Bandit Camp locations?

    You become a bandit when you bandit other bandits, dawg.
  22. The_Man

    I Feel Bad for New Players

    There weren't any hackers... I have seen maybe one hacker in the past 30 hours I've played this game. Simple disconnect and server hop fixed that. There weren't obsessed gamers who played 100+ hours a week... How does this impact me at all? There weren't "clans" that horded everything... I only need a rifle, canteen food and ammo which can't be horded. There weren't shitty melee weapons... 2 hit kill with an axe? Doesn't seem shit to me. There was spawning with a Makarov pistol... Teaches noobs how to be patient. There was global chat for asking questions... Anyone in Cherno? Teaches you not to trust anyone in game other than friends. There was bandit models for easy identification of non-friendlies... This sounds like we could use that.
  23. The_Man

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, I am The_Man but go by Man on the servers I frequent. I travel from the West coast to as far as Chicago. Latency protests otherwise. I consider myself a survivor because I don't plan on killing anyone unless they attack first.
  24. I have been playing for 2 days. Here is a tip from a noob: Don't disconnect when you are in a high yield loot area. I learned this literally on my first day. Disconnect under a tree in a forest. Sorry you are leaving the game but the problem is with you and not the game and community. Dayz if far from being a Utopia. I don't expect why you think it should be. Server hopping? Big deal. Move on.
  25. If you really want a place that has very rarely any "shoot on site" then you must establish a community and provide rules. Currently public servers have barely any rules for interactions and is a free for all. You don't need to enforce them but appeal to certain players. Sure you will have a bandit every once in a while engage in a firefight, it is exciting. However, if most of your players are fine with "roleplaying" then interactions will be more common. I suggest starting a small community if you whine about lack of interaction in public servers. I can't make the effort to start a large community or abide by asinine rules in place by many clans I see on here. I simply mind my own business and enjoy trying to survive on my own. I might grow tired of this and create a group. Not sure.