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Everything posted by The_Man

  1. The_Man

    What Graphics Card Should I Choose?

    ATI is more bang for your buck!
  2. Language and grammar change. It is a variation of the standard; a pidgin or dialect. Poor grammar? Yes it is if you compare it to standard English. Not very hard to understand in my opinion.
  3. The_Man

    DMR or M107?

    Because he is the designated marksman for his group. Not the sniper. Two different jobs. "The DM role differs significantly from that of a specially trained sniper. A sniper is a specialist highly trained in fieldcraft who carries out a range of specific missions independent of others, and more specialized than standard infantry tasks. In contrast, a DM is a soldier who has received some additional marksmanship training. The DM's role is to provide an additional capability to the infantry platoon, which is the ability to engage targets at greater ranges than the other members of the squad or section."
  4. The_Man

    Shooting Range

    I highly recommend the one that CW-Bulldog has posted.
  5. The_Man


    I heard they actually sampled a mouse having a poo for the MP5 SD sfx! True Story!
  6. The_Man

    DMR or M107?

    Which one do you like more? It comes down to what you are comfortable with... For example, if you are not confident with your shot placement then you would feel more comfortable with a higher capacity magazine. Designated Marksman always goes with a rifle like DMR I think. I'm not sure but they are not snipers and more versatile in combat.
  7. Challenge yourself then! Use barn weapons and no backpack or just a czech vest. It is more fun than it sounds!
  8. The_Man

    What Graphics Card Should I Choose?

    Make sure to invest in an SSD or nice harddrive! It will have a great affect on your FPS for this game! You don't need (but it helps!) a modern video card for this 2 year old game. Have a balanced system by not investing most of your cash into one component. Don't want to have your money wasted via bottlenecking.
  9. It creates some very intense moments. We had a firefight in the market and it attracted at least 20 zombies in under 30 seconds. It was madness.
  10. The_Man

    What Graphics Card Should I Choose?

    Lol, 550 or 560 isn't enough? I game with an overclocked GTX 260 and it works great. I've played on those higher end ones and it is pretty but you don't NEED them to play this game without a disadvantage.
  11. The_Man

    US 630 - Car left in supermarket

    Elektro: Breaking News, 15 died this morning in during a spontaneous gunfight that erupted in and around the supermarket. 7 have sustained serious injuries almost entirely caused by doors.
  12. The_Man

    CZ 550 or AKS74 Kobra?

    Take the CZ550. You will find more ammo and it is a better secondary. You already have a good close quarter combat weapon. You need range. Plus, you can use the scope on the CZ to scan plus have a weapon. Doesn't make you vulnerable like when you use binoculars. Does the Kobra really have an LCD sight? What is that? I thought it had a Red Dot sight? This makes it worse than an iron sight when it comes to range in my opinion.
  13. The_Man

    Worst 30$ spent.

    I'd still pay 30 bucks for Operation Flashpoint! I love military simulations from Bohemia Interactive. Dayz reminded me how fun they are. Can't believe I didn't bother with ARMA I
  14. You know you've played too much DayZ if you take the wheels off your car after you park it in the bushes behind your house.
  15. The_Man

    What a buncha bullshit

    What is "end game gear"?
  16. You can argue what you want but you were aiming a gun right at them. As soon as you saw them you should have gone out the building and aim your ironsights at the door. Try to communicate. If they don't respond say that you have to assume they are not friendly. If they leave the building then you will open fire. Walk slowly backwards away from the building until you can get into better cover. You have to be patient when meeting people. Running up like a derp is going to get you killed. And it did.
  17. The_Man

    Stop trying to make DayZ...

    The developer said this mod is directly influenced by games like Dead Island and L4D. He also said that Realism sucks. It's boring. I think this mod does a great job at blending realism with fantasy. You have to understand that if the game has zombies in it then there will be some fictional aspect to it. This a zombie game built on a simulator game. People should be allowed to make suggestions as the developers check the forums out and could be inspired. In the end, they have the final say and know where they want to take the game. As a fellow inventor, I understand how it is difficult to express your own ideas. The forum is a perfect place to bounce ideas off each other and inspire someone else.
  18. The_Man

    Steam sale broke this game.

    Shooting on sight is justified because the game itself has broken mechanics. Why should you be able to spot another player on a map? Once they remove the ability to see other players on the in game map then shooting on sight will slowly become idiotic. It is smarter to hide, wait, conserve ammo. Unless you are a misanthrope and like shooting people for fun.
  19. The_Man

    Beans should be gold dust; hunger a possibility

    You should actually hydrate every 20 minutes of running.
  20. The_Man

    Beans should be gold dust; hunger a possibility

    Beans are a good source of protein but definitely not enough for humans. They lack all the amino acids our body needs when compared to meat. I think Beans should be marked as less effective than meat even more than less blood point increase. It should only delay hunger rather than restore it to green. Good points you bring up about frequency of food. It will definitely raise the amount of people killing each other on sight for food though and I'm sure low scale trades wouldn't be anymore frequent than they are now. This is an assumption based on what I've seen in game.
  21. Wait, didn't he say he was going to release it before Christmas? LOL
  22. Dude, that is awesome. I would love to invest in it but I am worried that in the standalone version the map will not be the same. I don't think I can afford two maps. I might just wait. Still, Beans for the links and photos.
  23. Please don't make fun of my reading skills when you don't know the difference between a Poll and Pool. Also, no. Yet another assumption on your part. Many people that get motion sickness from video games are not affected in just one game. Google it. It is a problem affecting many people and third person tends to allow those people longer periods of play. I can't play games like Borderlands, anything from Valve, and anything from Bohemia Interactive without third person. This is besides the point though. I think this poll is a good idea as it will show why we will end up keeping all the options and leave it up to server owners. Every option appeals to different players. It is ultimately up to the server owners as they are who pay for the hosting. Taking that option away would upset me if I was paying upwards of 50 bucks a month.
  24. I believe ARMA can measure ones speed. Running into a wall would be 0 MPH/KMPH and it wouldn't activate. I'm not sure though.
  25. The ultimate servers settings already exists. You aren't adding anything new to it. Just removing things. Ultimate would contain all the options+more which would allow server owners to decide how they want their community to enjoy the game. I'm not being pointless. I am pointing out the obvious here. This has worked for all of these games. It does not fracture a community. It merely helps a community expand and allow players to progressively get better if anything. Why don't we have PvE? Or servers without Zombies? The premise of the game is the zombie apocalypse. This involves both zombies and people. It is a (Player vs Player) Vs Enemies. That has nothing to do with with the options you mentioned above. The options you mentioned above are things already in place by the ARMA engine. Don't get me wrong man I agree these options need polishing. It is in Alpha after all. Removing them is pointless to me. What I am saying here is that the options are fine. The history of BI's games + communities prove that. It would be detrimental to the mod to remove them. You will effectively be upsetting the community. I always bring up L4D because those developers knew that killing the Vanilla versus was a bad idea. It would do bad things to the community. They attempted balance in different ways. They didn't remove all Healthkits and replace them with pills. They changed the frequency of health kits. For example: Making 3rd person only work in running mode. This would not let users have an advantage when peering around corners and walls and would let people who get motion sickness to not get sick. What do you think about that?