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About Korpsicle

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  1. US 28 Chicago 22 This is a numerical value to the audibility of your character. (ALL TAKEN ON GRASS) Lay Down: 1 Crouch Slow: 2 Crouch Fast: 4 Stand Slow: 2 Stand Fast: 4 Sprint: 5 That's seriously not practical. This is a zombie apocalypse, I'm supposed to be creeping around, even if I'm trying to be swift, there's no way I'm ACTUALLY that loud. I'm going to call this a bug, because there's now way this is intended. It goes all the way up to 5 volume when at "crouch fast" on concrete. This obviously isn't my rigs fault, it's most likely mod config, but I can't rule out server because I really don't know how ArmA works natively.
  2. Name: Unknown Server: US 28 Chicago 22 Running Version My character was bugged in the debug wilderness, and I logged in with to hope it somehow would fix my issues; without having to respawn. I saw a player as I connected and unfortunately I was unable to catch a name, I did however catch a couple of 5.56's. He had an M4, was in a camosuit and was killing players as they spawn in the server. Obviously there's not much to go on here because I was unable to screenshot or get a name, but as I disconnected I saw a flood of "X was Killed" in chat, so I can only assume he was camping and killing. Hopefully because of this someone will be able to get a name and report him.
  3. I pick up a xbow when I'm running with my group. Typically we carry AKM, CZ an M16/M4 or if military isn't available a winnie and myself with the bow. I find it very useful especially for taking out players or zombies in cities when firing a proper gun is simply not an option. Typically I'll keep lookout at a nearby building or tower and watch over our loot raids and hospital raids. If I'm by myself I'll take a winnie or cz over it anyday, mostly because of ammo conservation. It's retarded that my backpack can only theoretically carry 12 bolts. My pocket can fit 12 bolts. -.-
  4. Korpsicle

    Introduce yourselves

    Heyo, It's Korpsicle. Started playing with a IRL friend of mine Vexal, and our petty group has grown 2 fold, and have picked up a UK player and a Virginia player. We try to stay survivor, but if we feel threatened we will drop you. I have a love for the crossbow. Silent, and deadly. Only problem being the obvious ammo conservation. I have a teamspeak server that we chill in, if you're ever interested in joining up with us hit me on a PM or talk to me in-game. Don't be surprised if one of us has a gun to your head until we can trust you though, precautions. :) If you wanna add me in Steam, Xbox Live, or even just find me in game my forum name is my everything. ~TJ AKA Korpsicle.
  5. 3:00 AM I've been through a lot already, but I haven't had time to stop and write. It's been a fight for food, water, and my life the last couple of days. I finally came upon the ocean tonight, but it was pitch black out. All I could hear was the peaceful lapping of the waves on the coast. In spite of the mellow tone, I was still terrified. I could see a town in the distance, but in my haste to leave Krasnostav and the firefight that had ensued, I didn't grab any road flares or chemlights. It's too dark out to move now, I could walk into one of those things at this time of day. I suppose it's best to just drink some water, and sleep on the coast until daytime. 1:00 PM. I killed a lot of time here on the coast, and I guess it's time to investigate this town. My GPS tells me I'm along the South West border of Komarovo. Found the GPS on a bandit who tried to kill me. I almost feel guilty for killing him, but hey. He shot first. I sneak up to the stone wall surrounding the town, very cautiously in fear of anyone who could be here. A couple brief moans in the distance causes a lump in my throat, but my fully loaded AKM calms be back down again. I switch my rifle to single shot, and make my way around the barrier. The doors open, so I take a step inside cautiously. Nothing. No food, no water, no ammunition. There are a couple tin cans on the ground, and even if I wanted them my pack is too full. The other door in here however, is barricaded shut with barbed wire. Someone's been here. Could have been an hour ago, or could have been yesterday. Seeing this, is probably more terrifying then seeing a pocket of zombies. I've got ammunition and zombies are predictable. It takes a lot of equipment to set up one of those, let alone to find a wire kit. I decide it's time to investigate the neighboring 4 story building, and get out of this barn before his defender shows up. I step outside and begin to round the building, using the stone wall on my left to mask my approach from someone who may be watching from afar. As I round the corner of the building I spot another survivor. I freeze. I've got an M9 SD on my hip, and a AKM in my hands. I also have a rather large backpack on. If he spots me, he may want to take advantage of what I've got. I lay down and slide to my left behind some shrubbery. He doesn't see me, and walks into a small shed. He shuts the door behind him and I lose sight. The next 5 minutes were probably the most nervewracking. I decide to let him pass if he comes out and heads for the edge of town. He opens the door, and starts walking towards the doorway 5 feet to my right. He's about 25 feet and closing, dead in front of me, and he doesn't even know I'm here. I didn't say anything. There was nothing to say. What, walk away or I'll shoot? He probably won't even hear me, or just shoot if I startle him. If I appear hostile, everyone else will put my name with danger. 20 feet away. I can practically hear this guy breathe. I fire. 3 rounds, one to his neck, and 2 to his chest. He drops like a sack of bricks. I hesitate. What have I done? I've killed a guy, unsuspecting. He could have been a psychopath. He could have killed hundreds of other survivors just looking for food and shelter. But on the other hand he could have been a nice guy. Maybe had food and water to last a few weeks, looking for a pal to kill the time with. We could have grouped up together, got a car working and drove to the northern airfield. Get a helicopter working and get the hell off this island. But yet, I didn't even try to negotiate, I shot him. In cold blood. Those 3 rounds could have easily saved my life; but yet, I wish I never fired them. ~~~~~~~~ I wrote this a few days ago, I'm no good at writing but I thought it was interesting enough. True story ;D For the record, the reason why I was at Krasnostav and then I'm at Komarovo, is because of the location reset, but we'll just pretend that the story is more coherent :)
  6. In lieu of the new tempval feature, I attempted to start a fireplace while laying down inside of my tent, this caused my character to try and stand up, smashing my head in the tent and bleed profusely out of my face, and spawn outside of my tent, where I fell incap and died. Date/Time: 5/23/2012 2:39 AM Is when I died, I had ragequit when I started bleeding and had no bandages about 2 hours prior. What happened: See above Where you were: Northwest of Airfield What you were doing: Starting a fireplace *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: NYC 7 or 8 (the 35 player server) *Your system specs: Irrelevant *Timeline of events before/after error: No error, just blood. :(
  7. Now, if it was a PERFECT system, this may be fairer. Players can pick their own clothing. Restrictions: -Can only change once every 5 days. -Can't change if recently slain another player (72 hour wait period?) Nameplates disabled, maybe a general description upon mouseover (like what clothing they're wearing ex: Construction Worker). Direct Comm VoIP chat working, and disabling global/side chat. Now, ideally, this would work as exampled below. Korpsicle is wearing a construction worker clothing, with a yellow hardhat. I get into a firefight with Vexal, and kill him. Vexal spawns near the coast, and meets up with his group and tells them the dude with the construction worker outfit and yellow hardhat is hostile. Now that runs ideally because I still need to worry because players who don't want to just kill everyone, can pass the word to beware of me, at least until I change my outfit. But Vexal's group also need to be aware of the fact that someone else, may be a construction worker. At the same time, with side and global chat disabled, Vexal can't just yell out in open chat that I'm a bandit. Now at the same time, we run into the complications of, that's not realistic. Realisticly, Vexal's dead. RIP. Game over. No one will ever know, and Vexal's too dead to tell anyone who I am or was. Pros/Cons :(
  8. Well that's my point exactly. If you don't care about their help, go ahead and kill them. I may be speaking out of line when I say that zombies aren't as much of a dilemma as other players are, but that's how I feel right now, with the exception of night time anyway. I don't need other players to prosper, and the other player is going to be in my ironsights, before he's going to be at my shoulder. Take these examples. I come across another player. If I've got an M4A1 with RDS and 6 clips, fully decked out gear equipment, food, water and a Coyote backpack; obviously I'm going to kill him because I don't want some player turning his back on me because I have better stuff. Now on the contrary, if I've got a makarov and limited food or water, why would I group up with someone, and have to share his food or water (if he's kind enough to share), and split findings in the future with him, if I can just kill him and take what he has. There's a 1000 different situations that could be placed in front of me, and I'm going to say 99 times out of a hundred,, I'm going to choose to slay the other player because I'm more interested in what he may have, then the possibility of being deceived into trusting him. With no way to distinguish friend from foe, why bother to find out? If I have no consequences for my actions for slaying another player, why would I bother to ask him his name, when I can just as easily make a corpse out of him, and not have to worry about other players I may encounter. Now I'm not saying that the Bandit-skin-system is justified, or even better. I am however, glad to hear the system is being actively worked on.
  9. I understand the intentions, I really do. Especially if things are to be kept realistic, but people won't play video games 'realisticly.' If I am walking around and I spot another player, if I don't have the demerit of a bandit skin, what's keeping me from killing him and stealing his food? Why would I even bother to find out if he's friendly or not. I understand that in real life, you can't tell friend from foe. But in real life you have emotions to deal with. One can easily be heartless in a video game. There is literally nothing to stop me from killing other players now. Just my 2 cents.
  10. It would be one thing if I had been killed with all of this stuff by a zombie or player, life happens move on, but really this sucks. I had an AKM and 3 clips, M9SD no clips, Makarov and maybe 6 clips, numerous soda cans and canned food and 1 cooked food, ~4 bandages, 2 pain killers, 1 epi-pen, 2 morphine injectors, 1 chemlight all stashed in a Coyote Pack. For equipment I had I think all of them, GPS, Map, Compass, Watch, Toolbox, Trench Tool (thingy) and a hunting knife. Date/Time: 5/18/2012 ~ 12:45 AM What happened: While prone, I opened a door (door swinging inwards, towards me) and the door pushed me into a wall, my lower half being stuck on the doorframe to the adjacent room, while the top half of my body carried around the corner into the hallway, breaking my spine and killing me. Where you were: Kozlovka, building on the eastern side of town, just north of the big warehouse. What you were doing: Opening a door in the prone position, checking for zombies on the other side of the door. *Current installed version: 1.5.7 *Server(s) you were on: EU10 *Your system specs: FX-8120 @ 4.4 GHz ATI Radeon 687X 2GB 8GB DDR 3 @ 2133MHz 90 GB SSD *Timeline of events before/after error: No error, just dead screen.
  11. Korpsicle

    1.5.7 update

    I came into patch 1.5.7 so I have no prior knowledge of 1.5.6. I currently have 6 hours in gameplay, without being killed once. I spawned way west of Chern and made my way past a couple towns to get to Chern, and am now hiding out in a Tower east of chern. In my opinion, the game is hella balanced for being in a Alpha mod. Obviously the buggy zeds need to be fixed, but the only thing I see is respawn timers. The number of zombies make it difficult, but not impossible. If you play it safe, pick and choose which houses you raid near towns before moving onto a new area, you'll do fine. The only thing is I would see for people with better gear, would be respawn timers. I did get myself into a snafu while in an apartment complex northwest of chern, I killed 9-10 zeds and went into a building. When I came out I was greeted by another 12. Other then that, good work.