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About knibby0

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  1. Thought so, Wasnt sure if admins had other powers. Sucks so much, Between the graphical glitches, and the hackers recently im really not enjoying playing. :(
  2. So, i dont know how often this happens, since its the first for me. So i am unsure if its a Hacker, or maybe the host taking advantage. But, i was on US 1601, and heard multiple bikes pull up in Electro, i go check it out obviously. Couple of bikes all the same all pulled up, and people in a building clearing it out. I hop on one of the bikes, honk the horn to say "FUCK YOU" and ride off into the distance. Guy takes a shot at me, just sends me into shock. Next thing i know im home free, and then BAM! teleported back to them, with all of them around me. Fuck you guys, for taking advantage like this. You lost your bike, Boo hoo. Now im going to cry and eat some ice cream. :'( (I hate this game)
  3. Is the current version worse as far as bugs and errors go than versions of recent time? I took a week off from playing because i got annoyed after a server i was playing on reset, and kept screwing up my inventory. But, in the last day i have tried to get back into it, and just find myself either waiting 10mins each time to get into a server. Or, if i do get in im being kicked for either random errors, loss of connection, or ping being too high. And when joining back into a server today, i was greeted by a random death and cherno up in some weird fire that i have never seen before. I'm prob just having back luck, but when you find 3 crash sites on 3 different servers to be greeted by a d/c every time you get slightly annoyed. Just me?
  4. You have a good memory, 10/10
  5. knibby0

    Best loot find ever?

  6. I am right in thinking that you cant equip a weapon while holding the flashlight? i would play when dark more if holding a pistol and a flashlight at once was an option. I know you can do this with chem lights etc.
  7. I put a bus in a grassy patch with a bear trap outside each door. Unfortunately i died before i saw what happened, and when i returned the bus was gone. But i like to imagine it screwed up someones leg. Im going to cover as many as i can next time in a shop and watch someone run in and active them like mouse traps ^________^
  8. Maybe, since there are the different types/levels of servers, the addition of a stamina system in only expert (or something similar) servers. Would give people the choice still, but if i was to play on a server that is more challenging i expect more rare loot ^--^
  9. As a suggestion, and i know people have shot down this idea before, but a stamina bar, or the fact that after running for a while you start to stumble etc. Its either that, or the zombies aggro range needs to be tweeked up again. But thats just how i feel, i enjoy a challenge.
  10. I agree, at first when playing i tried to be a sneaky as possible, fire as little shots as possible and generally just stick to quieter places. But, now i have realized i can just run straight through and place, lose the zombies around the next corner, and carry on with no problem makes it less fun. Only time i ever find a threat is when a player is around. In the last few days its been 0 deaths by Zombies, 5 deaths by players (Mostly around the NW airfield though..) And i have never even noticed sickness from the elements, seems odd since heat packs are in every building yet i have never found a use for them.
  11. Probably just luck as in the last week of playing i encountered no vehicles what so ever, but in the last 2 days alone i managed to come across A tractor, 2 broken cars (1 i fixed and then lost), a bus, and 2 bikes being used by other players. If anything i demand skateboards....