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  1. id be Is Surviving really waiting for someone to fire on you ? no. Ill attack someone if they have a weapon. but in saying that if im low on food ill kill any one that comes near me i id say at times im all of them. Id never attempt to Rob someone that has a weapon.
  2. Next time just keep in mind also that from a distance other players cant see the grass around you so it wont give you the concealment you think i might have had. but nice shot :)
  3. All you need is a "Hatchet" and "Pure Rage" and you will be a successful Bandit or Lumberjack.
  4. I agree ive been alive for about 7-8 days now and i go from not hungry to red in what seems like 10mins.
  5. The same thing happened to me now im only friendly with my mates from outside the game.
  6. Love this post exactly what i need to make me laugh abit while at work. :)
  7. if i wanted a fair fight id warn you first but as im after your loot id rather just kill you and take it. Its safer for me :) and my friends and all Bandits are murderers if they say different they're liars which Bandits also do.... cents*
  8. It's also a good way to stay alive. which is in the end what the game is about isnt it ?
  9. If there numbers are greater then yours chances are they wont surrender. so Let the bullets fly ;)
  10. Thats crazy i dont think ive even seen a working bus on the servers i play on...