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Everything posted by millefh

  1. The film is based on the 4Chan post "Greatest DayZ moment or Crying in Games General" http://i.imgur.com/KTuai.jpg Main voice - Grumpy Gat -http://www.youtube.com/user/GrumpyGat/ Maklo - Deric Carter
  2. millefh

    [OC][2:22][Machinima] Don't Worry Friend

    This wasn't my first machinima if that is what you are asking. ;)
  3. millefh

    [OC][2:22][Machinima] Don't Worry Friend

    Thanks for doing the voice, that's what gave it such a feeling! :)
  4. Hi! I'm making a short machinima based on this 4chan post: http://i.imgur.com/KTuai.jpg I'm looking for HQ voice actors. One american and one east european. You should have a good mic and a good voice. PM me if you are interested! My oldest DayZ machinima (Also most liked):
  5. Yes, hopefully I can find someone with a good voice. :D Thanks! :D Great, add me on Skype, milliamfh Thanks, I see that you use my animation aswell! :D
  6. The machinima is done. I only need a voiceactor for the russian line! :D
  7. Good work! Hope to see more from you! :)
  8. My newest video, enjoy :)
  9. millefh

    The Hacker (21 sec machinima)

    If anyone have ideas and want there name in the credits, you can always send a PM to me! :D
  10. millefh

    The Hacker (21 sec machinima)

    Is anyone interested in more of these short machinimas about different stereotypes?
  11. millefh

    The Hacker (21 sec machinima)

    Thanks for the feedback guys! If anyone is interested I also done a "The Hero"
  12. millefh

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Take this image from my latest movie!
  13. A 0$ budget fan-made trailer for DayZ. 10 hours of filming, walking, editing, uploading. Writen, filmed, directed, edited by myself. Actors - Amadeus and Lars Flygh. Thanks to Karwin Leutscher for giving some tips. Spelling errors in the beginning, "were", "else", too late to change. Too slow internet for another 1gb upload ;) Behind the scenes:
  14. millefh

    DayZ - Surviving (Fan-Made Trailer)

    Glad you get the story ;)
  15. Love that all the intros makes a understandable story! Another great job/jobs with the editor! :)
  16. millefh

    DayZ - Surviving (Fan-Made Trailer)

    Hope you liked the video :)
  17. millefh

    DayZ - Surviving (Fan-Made Trailer)

    A behind the scenes:
  18. millefh

    DayZ - Surviving (Fan-Made Trailer)

    I wanted to show the brutality of the world that would be if this would happen ;)
  19. millefh

    DayZ - Surviving (Fan-Made Trailer)

    Hahaha, ZScope told me seconds after I uploaded. Will think about the grammar more in the future ;)
  20. millefh

    DayZ - Surviving (Fan-Made Trailer)

    Hope you like it :)
  21. millefh

    The 12 DayZ of Christmas Song

    Another well made video by you Kleutscher! Ah how I would love to be able to put time into my own videos, haha. Some new things in the video I didn't know was possible to do, really cool.
  22. millefh

    Hunt me down

    Hello, I'm a Youtuber who is looking for a group/clan that will hunt me down. I will be having the starting gear, while it doesn't matter what your group has. We all start at the same position, but I will have some minutes running time before the chase begins. I will have a goal, a place to go to. You and your teams mission is to kill me before I get there or hold be hostages (Knock me out and make me drop my weapond). More infomation if you're interested. :) My Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrHowToDoComputers
  23. millefh

    Hunt me down

    I'm going to plan this so as many people can join this hunt as possible! Mabey make it a contest between groups/clans, with honor as the prize for catching me. More infomation later! :)
  24. millefh

    DayZ Xmas Songs

    Fun to work with you Zsc0pe! :D
  25. Hey there! Looks like you have alot of skills and I think you could becouse really good at this. If you need any help like with the zombies, feel free to PM me :) This is me: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrHowToDoComputers