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About vandarix

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    For fun, I like to seek out and eradicate Server Hosts in violation of TOS. Got a problem with a server? PM me and I'll dig out evidence.
  1. vandarix

    "Friendly" hacker on US958

    I don't think you can really ban someone for accepting hacked gear. I mean, Id rather have a hacker tp to me give me gear and go away than tp to me offer me gear i refuse and he kills me which isn't much different than him tping to me and just killing me. hackers can be twisted individuals better to play along with one if he offers or logout. (that is if theres not an admin on to handle the situation. otherwise, id just play along or logout.)
  2. vandarix

    US 1038 TX

    Servers been down for 3 days. lol. http://dayzmonitor.com/server_info/2241.html&hide_restarts
  3. vandarix

    US 1038 TX

    So Scorpio, you have proven you didn't read my rocket "quote" on persistent world. GJ, bro Gj, way to not even read the opening post.
  4. vandarix

    US 1038 TX

    lol its not my mod or my game i'm simply repeating rockets vision of DayZ. So, your comment is stupid and makes no sense directed at me.
  5. vandarix

    US 1038 TX

    There is a whole other issue at stake here. A Persistent world exists around the clock even while a player is not online or asleep.Rocket has been quoted many times calling Day Z a Persistent World. From this you can conclude that a "World" The "Server" must be up 24/7 unless due to maintenance, etc. NOT because the admin wants to go to sleep or is not around. Not only that but the DayZ team is losing information collected to the Hive while a server is not running anyway. Information used to help fix bugs, etc.
  6. You've Eviscerated nothing. You have no power to determine right from wrong. You are not a judge just an opinion. I however, provided an argument backed by information from DayZ staff and Rocket himself.. go watch some interviews with Rocket. I've done my research and I'll provide more if the argument is denied, I will appeal, and appeal till this violation is either corrected or blacklisted.
  7. vandarix

    US 1038 TX

    Well, just see what the DayZ staff thinks of it. I'm tired of arguing with you. If you've watched or read any of Rockets interviews this kind of server running is not what Rocket intended.
  8. vandarix

    US 1038 TX

    LOL how does it not favor a specific group? Taking your server down PROTECTS anything you have or have setup, etc. also you have to power to determine when someone can and cannot play. Whats to stop the admin from shutting the server down after he rages for 6-7 hours then comes back later and starts it back up... If you don't see the problem here, you clearly are apart of the GMS group.
  9. vandarix

    US 1038 TX

    So, I've heard there is a system already in the working to watch admins.. Just a rumor passed down.
  10. Giving yourself a huge advantage is never wrong.. right?
  11. vandarix

    US 1038 TX

    No thank Scipio Shutting Down a server to play when only you want to is no better than Locking it.
  12. vandarix

    US 1038 TX

    I love how you guys brought "short" period of time into this. Lets see server went down lastnight around 12:30am EST it is now 2:49pm EST and it is still down. 14 hours is such a "short" time.
  13. vandarix

    US 1038 TX

    You let one person abuse the TOS, soon the rest will follow. also i have vehicles and tent w/ gear on that server which annoys me considering i play mostly late night at around the time these guys want to go to bed and shut down the server.
  14. I am helping, by reporting a server in violation of TOS.. Hackers and bugs are on that list too.
  15. vandarix

    US 1038 TX

    While you're above argument is cute and thought out.. it still doesn't hold a bit of weight to the DayZ Server Rules... You're clearly saying it is okay for ALL server admins to shut down their servers whenever they are away... That is fair to no one and gives the only advantage to the admins/hosts themselves. Everyone, if you want to have a full time server to your schedule, you need to host one and only have it up while you're playing... Yes, Hackers are a problem. But, so is breaking TOS. DayZ is about taking risks live with it.