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About ScouterIV

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  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    Crashed Helicopter hunting, long walks though the Lost Fields, overwatching Airfields and finding high power rifles.

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  • Bio
    Last that I remember, I awoke on the coast near a town called Chernogorsk armed only with Painkillers, Bandages and a Flashlight, the remaining country-folk have turned into mindless walkers and the living have become ravenous murders that may or may not shoot on site. I went to the train station and got myself a large backpack and nice Revolver. I ran inland at that point.
  1. I have seen hundreds of servers say "1000+ vehicles, M4A1 SD on Spawn!" and stuff like that. Where is the survival aspect to DayZ? I wanted to suggest a fast, high capacity vanilla server. There are only about 100 vehicles and no extra buildings. The only things added are a slight increase in loot piles and refueling at gas stations. Also, admins are active and take action quickly, there will always be someone available to handle an issue. DayZ - US 245 - (v1.8.0.3) [bETTER LOOT | HIGH FPS | REGULAR] - CKWGAMING.COM So far during prime hours, we get about 25 people, I would love to see more. Just filter for ckwgaming and you will see it.
  2. ScouterIV

    Cannot join any server

    When attempting to get into a dayz server, you must have ONLY dayz enabled. There are no exceptions. Another thing, when you try to enter DayZ servers that have a map other than Chernarus, you need to download that map's respective DayZ code. With that, I recommend DayZ commander to do that downloading for you. For example: http://prntscr.com/1gmwke, your first image, it looks like you tried to enter a DayZ Namalsk server. In order to do this, download DayZ Namalsk. Once again, get DayZ Commander do to that for you.
  3. ScouterIV

    No Hackers anymore ?

    The server that I oversee has seen maybe 2 hackers in the passed 2 months. Both of them were small things like spawning in items in their own tents.
  4. ScouterIV

    GUID Changed, but same CD Key, PID

    I was able to use the BEC, most recently about 1 month ago. So my GUID was correctly listed at one point.
  5. About 4 days ago, I had an interesting issue. I am an admin to a DayZ server with Batteye Extended Control (BEC). While wanting to kick someone that was yelling over side chat, only to see that my !kick command did not work. I made sure BEC was on. After reseting it, it still did not work. So, I checked our admins.xml file that lists all of the BEC admin and their GUIDs. There, I found out that the one listed on the file was not the same as my current one. That means my GUID was changed; and therefore my CD key was changed. However, after verifying my Arma 2 OA files, I found out that my CD key was the same as the one I had purchased. I also looked at my Player ID (PID). After cross-referencing that with our server's BlissAdmin panel and logs, I found out that my PID had remained the same (at least since our database reset 2 months ago). So here is the question that has had me confused for these past four days: can a GUID spontaneously change without the CD key and PID changing with it? I made a thread on the BI forums while these forums were down: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159330-GUID-Changed Note that I have monitored all of my TCP connections as well as processes and and concluded I do not have a key logger or a RAT. Also note that I have not been banned (yet).
  6. When in large cities, I get 15-20, but in fields and woods I get 30-45. However, in regular Arma 2, I hover at a constant 70-80.
  7. ScouterIV

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Well, the reason they have not stated a date is in case of delays. What if rocket announces the release date to be July 15th, for example. Then it comes to July 14th and he says the team has encountered a major bug that will take some time to solve. Everyone would be totally pissed to have waited 7+ months and then say "wait some more". They not saying anything is for their safety and our sanity. I believe rocket himself said this a few months back.
  8. ScouterIV

    Laser Pointers?

    I was watching the news about Egypt and I saw a flurry of green laser pointers. So I thought "that would be funny if they had those in DayZ". Then I thought about that more; they could be used by players to temporarily blind people, weather they be in cars, helicopters or on foot. It could have a bright green (or red) flash on the screen followed by a blinding effect that would last a few seconds. I don't think it would be that OP because in order to aim at people's eyes, they need to be facing them, and the victim would see the source of the light as the user tries to aim it. Seeing that they are high-powered lasers, they would only be in military areas and/or maybe factories.
  9. Just think about it: as it is now, you can run through all the buildings in cherno in about 20 minutes (or less). Later in SA, when all of the buildings are complete, it will take hours looting the entire city, not to mention Elektro and every other village.
  10. Tired of the DayZ servers that start you out with powerful weapons? Tired of hundreds vehicles strewn across the map, so many that you encounter them on every road? Want to play an actual survival game and not a PVP match? We from CKW are here to announce the re-opening of our private hive Chernarus server with only a few modifications. Our active administrators stay away from editing the building, vehicle or loot spawning, as that would create imbalance. We only added refueling at gas stations and tanks, as well as a debug menu that is accessed by the press of a key (h). The same fast dedicated box and quick-to-respond admins on our massively popular public hive server are now available with a private hive. We have had the server up for about 3 hours since this posting so all players are on the same page. Not only are we available for 24/7 DayZ Mod private hive server, we plan to have a DayZ Standalone server up the day it becomes available. Come check us out. DayZ - US 245 Chicago [Chernarus] [REGULAR] - CKWGAMING.COM If you need help with anything or interested in joining us, hop in our public Teamspeak 3 server at ts.ckwgaming.com.
  11. Obsolete post, check out this one: http://dayzmod.com/f...r-ckwgamingcom/
  12. ScouterIV


    Well, the game is in alpha and people search far and wide to find even a tractor, so I wouldn't expect to possess a vehicle for more than 4 days. However, private servers, (especially white-listed servers), are more reliable than public ones. If you want something very reliable, I would look on the internet to find a good quality white-listed one.
  13. Want to play DayZ with a twist? We got it! Check out CKW's new Build-A-Base server where you can acquire wire, scrap metal, wood and tank traps to build some of Arma 2's war props! Remember: there are no downloads required! Just have the most recent DayZ update installed. Sense it is a private hive, we can monitor most activity, so hackers can be detected and removed quickly! Then, we can get your gear back if you die illegitimately. Like it before it is popular! Here is a list of the recipes: http://ckwgaming.com...66&p=9766#p9766 To join: (DayZ Commander) Uncheck the filter box that hides wrong Mod versions. The mod we have installed makes Commander think it is wrong... Then filter CKW and look for Build-A-Base in the server title! To join: (Arma 2 OA) Filter CKW, it should be there!
  14. ScouterIV

    Is it possible to remove that

    I too am an admin on a server with the same issue. Resets will not get rid of it. To make it worse, the hackers also spawned hangers all over coastal cities and the airfields. I am sure there is a way to remove them, but it may require action by the Hive guys. Additional note: That is the same direction and position of the Thunderdome in my our server. Must be the same script...
  15. ScouterIV

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    Excellent and exciting news!