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About Nausicaa

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. 4 hours!? Wow, I don't think I've ever heard of anyone being that far away before! You can cross the entire 'real' map in half that time. That is absurd. I would have just tried 'Respawn' after the first hour haha! Glad you escaped though.
  2. All I can think based on your exhaustive attempts at fixing the issue is that it is some port forwarding issue on your end preventing you from staying connected or prompting a boot from the server. I don't know enough about this kind of thing to propose a solution, but that's what I would look at. Maybe expand your search beyond DayZ and see if this is a problem others have had With AmraII/OA in general. Can you join non-DayZ MP games?
  3. Nausicaa

    Retrying Authentication Problems

    With the frequency this seems to be occurring, I really wish we could get some sort of definitive response from the Dev team. It would be nice to know if this is something affecting all users, just non-BETA users, some combination or if there's anything one can do to help fix it or reduce how often it happens. The whole thing is a mess right now. I had no problems connecting before 1.7. Now I get this error all the time. I have the BETA and had issues launching through BETA in the past, but I'm going to try that again as a fix tonight. Borderline unplayable ATM cause it takes so long to join/rejoin. Getting about an hour of playtime for every two hours of messing with server/giving up and doing something else. The worst part is, other than this error, the changes between beta/non-beta and 1.7/1.5 are not noticeable at all to the player. I mean I guess something was 'fixed' in chat, but everyone still talks in side chat anyway.
  4. Nausicaa

    Devils castle NY25.

    So, is Devil's Castle a pretty common camp point? My character got murdered on that mountain last night. It was a 25 person server and I didn't expect anyone to be around, but he popped me in the head twice. At least he apologized as I had some decent kit. Oh well. Makes sense to me now though. Far north. Surrounded by little more than forests and a high tower to watch from, and easy rear access to NW airfield. Clearly a good location for a base.
  5. Assuming you just spawned here and there are no other issues (ie, you see your weapon, can access the gear menu, move around, etc), you are a victim of a weird spawn reset bug. You are on the map, just a part of the land really far West where there are no objects. All you need to do is run directly east for about 10 minutes and you will start seeing brush and trees. This is the western most point of the map, about 30% up North. Just join a server in the morning or evening, and run away or towards the sun as applicable, if you don't have a compass.
  6. Nausicaa

    Retrying to Authenticate

    No, I am the only player. I do live with friends though and they play games too, so I do have a lot of activity on our network, but I don't think that is the problem since my ping is always less than 50. I do have the BETA. Check this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9200 Looks like I haven't been running from the Beta .exe file. I think I tried when I first downloaded the BETA, but got an error message. I will try again when I get home tonight and see if launching from the BETA works.
  7. Nausicaa

    Retrying to Authenticate

    I get this error all the time. It's really annoying. 1.7 really broke the net code. I used to be able to connect fine, except for a few busy times here and there. Now every time I try and play I have issues. This one most frequently. Then when I finally connect, I will get 'no message received' error and get booted after 10 minutes. Really frustrating. Out of the five or so hours I 'played' days this weekend, I'd say 2 were spent actually playing the game. I can ONLY connect to 25 player servers at this point. 50 player servers never work. 25 work half the time. I'm pretty sure we're not alone. At this point I'm pretty sure EVERYONE is experiencing these issues. The game is just growing in popularity so fast. The point about 25 players above is what makes me confident this is a problem for everyone. In the past, every 50 player server was filed. Now most of them are half full at best, and 25 players servers are all packed.
  8. Does Arma even support melee? How would you code a melee attack around the weapon/projectile system? Maybe it's easy, I don't know.
  9. Nausicaa

    [Suggestion] Sleep

    No. You know all those hours every day you AREN'T playing DayZ? Use them to pretend your survivor is sleeping. Same thing. A sleeping mechanic would be boring. Again, the game tries to be 'realistic' but it isn't really. It simulates realism. Morphine doesn't cure broken bones. Sleeping is an unnecessary element of realism to add because it is the opposite of gameplay. Sure, it might make you find shelter, but there are already mechanics in the game that often force you to find shelter. I get that it could also add an element of risk while you are sleeping (as other players could sneak up and pop you), but this risk largely already exists every time you open your gear menu. You know what else would be cool, if your character had to poop every few hours, so you had to go dig a hole in the forest and squat for 10 minutes while your character drops a deuce!
  10. Nausicaa

    Did anyone buy Arma 2 solely for this mod?

    No, I had ARMA: CO previous to DayZ. I go way back to the OFP days. Although I admit not playing ARMA II extensively. But I played OFP for hundreds and hundreds of hours back in the day, before life got in the way for a while.
  11. Nausicaa

    Blood Transfusion on yourself.

    I like the idea of doing a blood transfusion on yourself, but there needs to be some penalty. I'm thinking you randomize the success rate. So if you do it on another player, it always works, but on yourself there is a chance you can fail. In the event of failure, the player could pass out for a minute leaving them temporarily exposed. You don't gain or lose blood, but you lose the blood pack. That could work. And maybe in the event of success you don't get the full amount of blood, but some random percentage.
  12. Nausicaa

    DayZ needs objective other than survival

    I don't disagree with you. As it stands the game is kind of confused (OH NOEZ, I CRITICIZE TEH GAMEZ!!!). I agree that it does get boring after a while. Survive to survive so you can survive some more. Like you say, if survival is the goal, you can pretty much just camp out in a barn and do nothing for five hours and you will be doing a great job! The real fun of the game is raiding towns for supplies and coming into contact with other players. Unfortunately at this point in the mods life cycle, there aren't that many supplies or that many things to do with other players. You can get all kinds of guns, but ultimately you don't want to be in a position to use them. The other items make the game a little easier, and you can repair cars and stuff, and that's really it. I don't think the game necessarily needs a set goal or story or quests or anything, but it definitely needs to expand the list of collectable items, things to do and interact with in the game world, and most importantly, devise a wide variety of ways to survive. I think the Devs are on track here. I would like to see less common ailments, but a greater variety. For example, maybe our bones don't break so often, but I like the idea of getting poisoned (or poisoning other players), getting sick or diseased, etc. and needing to find specific items to help you. I would also like see expanded crafting. I think these things will add to the re-playability. Just need to keep in mind things are still new and this is all largely an attempt to prove a concept.