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About naltron

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    On the Coast
  1. naltron

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I hope you fix the game first. because whats the point on losing hours and hours of your time looking for gear to lose it to a stupid bug or a hacker etc.....
  2. The picture stuff was a mistake from the forums, seems Chrome it’s not working properly on this forums for me so i had to use IE to fix it. i did not tried to put any picture but thx for the help none the less.. And about the comment i guess its easy to say things whit out thinking at a young age. So easy you forgot you even said it xD.. it was not said on this threat. it was said on the video one. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/58016-video-the-ambush/page__hl__elysium\#entry554287 Page 1.. laterz.
  3. Leaving the drama aside. i really enjoyed your attack. You don’t have many intense and fun moments on dayz, most of the time you’re just running.. So i congratulate you and thx you for this. It was exciting and fun... The only reason i raged a little, it’s because you guyz were making elyisum look like a hacker clan. And that’s not true at all... We have been attacked so many times by hackers and we trusted xpert so they never expected it to be an ambush. They thought it was a hacker attack. that’s the only reason the server was shutdown.... On that note i have to congratulate xpert. You had me fooled. And I’m a bandit so i can only admire you. We had a couple of conversations. So you can talk to me any time no hard feelings. You can ask anyone on the clan before i join i raided Elysium.. And killed a couple of members. so it’s not like you did something i would never do... i did it before i join.. But now I’m a member and as a member i defend my clan.... And fengshen. The only reason i got kinda piss at you. Was not because you killed me, i mean if you play dayz you know you will eventually die no matter what. But when i saw you calling me a dumb fuck i though that was uncalled for.... Well hope to see you guyz again so we can continue to have more fun xD.. Thx and gl to everyone. English it’s not my main language so if a troll reads this don’t waste your time telling me how I should go back to school cuz my grammar sucks.. I know it sucks >)
  4. I never said you ghost.. I said threatie the other guy that was whit you.. Don’t try to be a smart ass. You both know what you did. ill just drop it cuz your friend its clearly not going to admit it. And this last video you posted started after that happened.. I actually even said on our ts. And ill quote myself "at least you have to give it to the scrup cuz he’s not combat logging or leaving like the other faggot" The combat logging happened between the time you die the first time and travel back to the camp. While we were trying to hunt your friend trenity or whatever he was called at the moment. He was at the lake; i spotted him, shoot at him he disconnected. a few minutes later he reconnected at the other side of the three line i spot him again and kill him. That’s how he dies. Trying to ghost me.... the video you just posted saying its RAW MATERIAL. Starts just after that happened...
  5. haha, i was running back from elektro, i was helping protect a heli down i killed a lot of ghosters whit svd. i gave the svd to a friend and log off. so i decided to run back to the camp whitout night vision or anything i only had the fn fall prity much, all the sudden i see this guy on the floor i could have killed you but i though it was someone from the clan. so i press P to check and realise there was no one from the clan when i dicided to find you it was to late, i could nearly see since i didn't had nvgs on me atm.. and your friend threinity or however you spell that did ghost. he did it to me. he was next to the lake on old fields i shoot him and he disconnected. all the sudden he reconnected on the tree line to the other side, i saw him and killed him.. so ya he did ghosted you should ask him to be honest whit you..
  6. Cool video. and cool attack. but its kinda lame that the ghosting part is not on the video. cuz you guyz ghosted a lot on the first heli down. im just saying the video its clearly edited to make elysium look bad and you guyz look awezome. either way it was a cool ambush.. and xerpt had me fooled xD i had no idea..