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Everything posted by chirf

  1. chirf

    cant join a server

    I'd like to bump this, if I may. I'm having the exact same problem. Did you ever get it fixed out?
  2. I got it all installed and into the right places I believe. When I start Arma II: OA, it says @DayZ at the top right, like it's suppose to I think. But when I actually try and join a server, it brings me into the lobby where I see peoples names, but after it's done retrieving and loading, it just goes back to the server list. As if nothing happened. Anyone else with this problem?
  3. Just bought the Arma II: CO bundle, but launching the Operation Arrowhead didn't work. It just went through the little black box with computer code and then... nothing happened. Anyone else with this problem? I already reinstalled it, still didn't help.
  4. I was REALLY interested in this Mod from the moment I saw it. I'm about to buy the game just to get the mod ($30 for a fun free roam zombie survival game? count me in) but before I do, I wanted to know if it would be worth it. I wouldn't wanna get the game and the mod and then see not many people online to run into. Are there servers? does everyone just log on at once in one server? is it well populated?
  5. chirf

    How populated is this Mod?

    What do you mean by "symlink" it? I'm not the BEST with computers.
  6. On this website it says I need Arma II: CO When I go on steam, the only thing that looks like Arma II: CO is the combined operations. Must I really spend $30 on that instead of $20 on the original Arma II? Is there a reason I'd need Arma II: CO over the other?