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Everything posted by carbon66

  1. carbon66

    I can't aim down sights anymore?

    I had this problem this morning, had to switch to my side arm and back to main weapon before i could get it to ADS again, hope this helps.
  2. carbon66

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name:Carbon Player ID (Not SteamID):42788166 Why do you wish to join the Militia:I play with a group but would love to run with more people, and help when i can. What can you offer the Militia:What don't you have? to be honest i can offer what i can which to me isn't to much. Are you a team player:Yes Are you willing to lose your gear if required:depends, if its to protect other people yes, if i'm told to drop it then no, but i'm always ready to lose it. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: i'm in a steam group at the moment "Official DayZ Mod ((DayZ))" though as decent size group not many people play with eachother. no bandits. Extra Information:i love playing with a group when i can, support i do believe i'm good at it.