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Everything posted by karlito

  1. karlito

    Allow corpse/incap player dragging

    I have experienced a guy pulling me when i was incapitated. in the school building in cherno/elektro. can't remember which
  2. karlito

    Day Z amazing, Arma II poor interface

    I like arma 2's interface. just learn to navigate it, this isn't Call of Battlefield: Generic Warfare 2
  3. karlito

    less likely to shoot female survivor?

    I would more likely shoot a female surviviour. women are treacherous, and cannot be trusted. They only act in what is good for themselves. In an apocalyptic setting, they'd kill just for a can of beans.
  4. karlito

    Do you remember your first murder or murderer?

    Yes. I saw a guy crawling around in a city, trying to avoid zombies. (he was prone all the time) i navigated in the city avoiding all zombies by crouch walking, that way i had a chance getting to him fast enough. after getting behind him, he were reaching for his tent. I aimed down my scope on my m16 and put 4 shots to his head. best of it, he didn't even know I was there. felt so good.
  5. karlito

    Buddy committed suicide.

    Hahaha, that's awesome.
  6. karlito

    Radio tool

    A feature where all messaging between people is limited, until you gain a radio transmitter to communicate with others at longer ranges direct communication should allways be open. Diffrent radio frequencies perhaps? tuning into other people's chats, etc etc. To create immersion and remove that annoying atmosphere people create by talking in blue side channel all day. Some people crave for attention too much, they should have to earn it. And for others that do not want to see these chats at all, to have an option to never get a radio. I think it would add an interesting and tactical advantage/disadvantage to those who have these radios.
  7. karlito

    Drinking from wells

  8. karlito

    Radio tool

    Good thing, everyone in the thread seems to get the idea. It's supposed to be a valuable resource, you shouldn't be entitled to having an in-game chat. You should have to earn the right to communicate with others! Chat-wise that is.
  9. karlito

    Why no bandit skin could work

    What i wonder is if the new skins you aquire, if they stick with you after death.
  10. nooooooooooooooooooo are the outfits permanent? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I liked bandit outfit :'(
  11. Well, what legion forgets is that in their public section there's someone who has uploaded pictures of himself with a bunch of tanks and a helicopter, things that in general is disallowed. not sure if damage control forgot about that or not, but i'd say it looks mighty supsicious. http://imgur.com/AlRoo,pRsrT,XQutj,1wUcF#3 this being from the Pandemic Legion forums, I'd say that pretty much sums up evidence on which of the legions that are baddies. who knows what hides in their private section? I think cori did.
  12. karlito

    DayZ and Basic Human Nature

    Yeah i noticed the same. killing innocent people really gives me a good buzz. what if it was a real situation, i keep thinking. I would be ending these people's lives. It felt so good, the first kill I got. I sucessfully stalked this guy for atleast 40 kilometers, and he proned down crawling around minding his own buisniss... then i went up to him and executed him, took all his stuff. best feeling i've ever had.
  13. An abillity to trade off the secondary weapon slot OR the primary weapon slot for a melee weapon. or both. The weapons should be degradable, to compensate not using ammo. example: Millitary knife for secondary slot golf club/ fire axe/ machete for main weapon.
  14. So i've been experiencing tons of zombies comming out of nowhere, i managed to kill off 50 at a staircase and had 1 mag of makarov left after clearing them out. the counter said 51 headshots, and 53 total kills. This were initiated because i accedentally fired my CZ, after clearing out all of them with HEADSHOTS. 1 shot per zombie, i noticed when going outside there were an equal amount of zombies that had come out from nowhere. What is this insanity? I often experience running out of ammo, and having no chance to escape because of the zombie spawning speed and the rate of which zombies are at now. (50~100:1) too many zombies man. edit: this obviously resulted in death, due to the nature of 100 additional zombies and no ammo
  15. karlito

    Legion Server: Please contact us

    Yeah it's kinda annoying and EVERYONE knows they abuse by spawning items. good thing this is just an alpha, but i don't understand why they need to try to ruin the game by trying things that obviously are not intended.
  16. karlito

    playing dayz with friends

    print out a map, or have one stored on your computer here is an online version http://avidblur.com/arma2/ here is a downloadable hi-res version, which can be printed or whatever. http://www.mediafire.com/?vtukgt2b9edaxbd then learn to navigate based on signs and make assumptions on your whereabouts. I have a map printed out, makes life so much easier.
  17. karlito

    Stuck on loading after 1.5.7 patch

    I hope this issue gets resolved soon.
  18. karlito

    Stuck on "Loading"

    I have the same problem and whenever it gets past the loading screen, it's allways stuck on waiting for server response. and when it gets past server response it goes stuck at loading. have to close the game via task manager just to get out of the game.