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About karlito

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Here and now I haven't installed the new BE patch, I heard it messes shit up. That might be the cause? I can run the game perfectly fine from sixlauncher ;/
  2. karlito

    This is why I kill on sight

    I usually shout out "any friendlies in cherno" when i'm there. I allways get shot at, then I start yelling WOLOLOLOLO over the direct com to attract zombies while running in a serpentine fashion then making sure to die right infront of them so that they have to handle all the zombies.
  3. If you get too attatched to your gear, you will have a bad time. deal with it
  4. Yes, total wipe to get rid of the bug item, glitch item and "illegaly" spawned items.
  5. karlito

    Difference between SD and Non-SD bullets...

    The bullets used for the silenced weapons are Low Velocity rounds, if you were to use anything else you'd end up destroying your silencer and weapon. And your weapon wouldn't be very silent anymore.
  6. karlito

    Ban Appeal

    spawning plane means you got banned because you spawned a plane. you're most likely global banned too, for injecting/editing certain parts of memory in the game .exe executing scripts to spawn shit is bad, and you've been a naughty boy. You say motorcycles in plural, you say there's an ah64d, there's a bomarded city you knew of, there's planes over chernogorsk. These things add up, things that has been spawned that you achknowledged being spawned and not legitimatly aquired. You wanted to impress your friends, by spawning a plane... And you goofed up while doing so. Maybe you should quit playing with people that intentionally break havoc in the game? Cry more please, your story sounds very legit.
  7. karlito

    Sniper Hacker

    Nice of you to admit to have a hacked weapon. the infrared sniper you can find in dayz is the L85A2 AWS http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559818847103594861/AA7F31EEEAD0AB477C03050CC525974147618584/
  8. karlito

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    zombie damage too high zombie's eyes now see forever. rape: imminent Starter gear limited; horrid with the other changes concerning damage increase and no way of sneaking past zombies. the combination is HORRIBLE
  9. karlito

    Never hacked. Global banned. Please fix.

    http://www.battleye.com/support.html since mods here are useless and not providing with a link. No offense meant to the mods, but really you could have done this all easier for the people claiming to be innocent.
  10. karlito


    Conspiracies from people who got their ass burned, trying to cause an uproar with false claims that stand no ground, because they have no proof to support their statments. If you have not done anything, you should not fear anything. As simple as that.
  11. I would like to say that I don't admire the current situation. I'm currently undecided who speaks the truth, as I'm not familiar with how battle eye works... But as the day z team specifically says, is that battleeye is not run by them. I was not banned, so I'm going to say that I was not afflicted by a "false positive". Does that mean nobody else might have a false positive? I have no idea, as I was not affected. I must also note, if I was banned I would contact battleeye instead of posting here. It's a good thing these pesky cheaters get removed, but I think this puts in place for a need for some changes. I know this post might get overlooked, but I suggest that a database reset is needed to clear out the "trash" leftovers that the hackers left behind. A fresh start for everyone, no more illegitimately obtained weapons or gear. And I think this picture fits into the setting of what is going down on this forum by those who in fact did get caught.
  12. YES It sounds like a very odd and interesting thing to try out. It promotes teamwork, but it also promotes backstabbing. "Hey let's team up, you cover that entrance with the pistol and fend off zombies, while i loot and try to find another weapon." "Whats this, a crossbow? hmm... What if I had a pistol aswell..." New oppertunities arise, you get put in a stalemate where both have weapons and you wonder if you can trust this other person won't kill you for your newfound weapon. And he wonders the same about you. I approve of this suggestion, as it would spice things up heavily. It would however put many people in the position of being a prey. Side-effect would be players learn to con other players, I wouldn't call it trust or bonding... Rather a forced cooperative event that lasts until they get to break free from eachother, or one kills another. The guy with the gun only has a limited amount of ammo, shoot the unarmed guy or let him leech off your offensive capabilities in favour of himself? Share the supply and loot with this person, or end his life? You get a choice, you don't HAVE to shoot the guy...