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About Cakelord

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  1. Cakelord

    Stuck on Loading

    I have the same problem. Hadn't played for a few days and when I tried to login today to save some of our vehicles I could not get through loading.
  2. Sadly I don't see this happening any time soon.
  3. Cakelord

    LU127 complaint thread

    Your father will be so angry with you when he finds out you've been using his creditcard to rent a server.
  4. Cakelord

    LU127 complaint thread

    The fact that you pay for this server does not mean you can do anything you want in it.
  5. My experience with this is that it all depends on their gear. I notice the people with mediocre gear don't care, while people up north will alt f4 whenever they get the chance. The worst thing for me happened this night when I purposedly crept up to a guy in ghillie with svd as close as I could, because we all know what those kinda people do when they don't die first shot. At around 20 metres I shot him in the head, and proceeded to loot him(svd, bizon sd, nvg and such). Before I even get the chance to loot the fucker I see a "no message has been received for x seconds". Scumbag mods.. Last time I played on eu28.
  6. Cakelord

    EU28 - Info & Discussion

    A guy named Blackout had svd camo / bison sd / ghillie / nvg etc etc.. I shot him in the head with a winchester from close range while he was busy looking for targets. 10 seconds later the server restarts. Note that this was not a scheduled restart, because they actually have all those times in the message of the day. If you ban people for disconnecting during fights (rightly so), be a man and don't restart when you die.
  7. Cakelord

    Items dissapered

    Aquire new stuff.
  8. Cakelord

    Hello everybody!

    Try this link when you desperate for help http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditRescueForce/
  9. Cakelord

    Why did you shoot me.

    - Don't creep up on people. - If you want to get in contact with someone, do it from a distance. The farther away you are, the less they'll see you as a threat. - Don't try to befriend people with gear less good than yours, or way better than yours. - Stay away from people that are not giving a crap about moving silently. - Stay away from groups that don't use the ingame communication system.
  10. Cakelord

    The moral imperative

    You don't always have to be "that guy" since they removed the bandit skins. You can be a nice guy one day while killing everyone you see on the other day.
  11. To be honest I don't give a crap if they leave the darkness the way it is. Just fix it so that a survivor is able to run and shine a light. Not being able to keep a flashlight steady while running is something you only see in horror movies.
  12. Cakelord

    Zeroing of CZ 550

    Those are two really good tips, thanks!
  13. Cakelord

    Zeroing of CZ 550

    Alright, but just to make it clear, there is no system inside of the scope to guess range (like mildot or that system Russian scopes have)?
  14. Cakelord

    Zeroing of CZ 550

    Hey guys. I have a question regarding zeroing on a CZ 550. How can you estimate the range to your target, and how high you should aim?
  15. Cakelord

    Remove Barbedwire

    I honestly don't mind barbed wire, but not the way it is now. For most people it is just a barrier they can not get past. Right now the barbed wire is only used in cherno and Elektro to block out players from locations of interest. Have axes/crowbars or something else be able to get through it too. Maybe with one of those hourglasses that fills up after 10 seconds, to simulate it is not that easy to get through it.