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Everything posted by StripedRaccoon

  1. StripedRaccoon

    What should i do now?

    Kill them all.
  2. StripedRaccoon

    Looking at building my computer for gaming on Day Z.

    I would get a better processor.
  3. StripedRaccoon

    Mysterious death.

    What everyone else said.
  4. StripedRaccoon

    Should i become a hunter of men?

    Kill yourself and do it all over again.
  5. This might sound like a stupid question, but is it possible to host a server through Hamachi? I'm curious because a few friends and I want to play alone on a server. I read that it was possible, but only the gear that you use on the server stays with it, so it's not universal. Anyone know?
  6. StripedRaccoon

    Is it possible to host a server through Hamachi?

    I've tried using Google, but I haven't found anything.
  7. Small towns, I stay quite, large towns I sprint.
  8. StripedRaccoon

    Is there a way to kill myself?

    Try going prone into bushes, this seem to take the lives of many.
  9. Honestly, maybe you should put your determination into telling people what you think into something productive.
  10. StripedRaccoon

    Well that's nice...

    True story.
  11. StripedRaccoon

    Venting Thread

    Spent a few hours one night getting some of the best gear I have ever had, wasn't much fun because I was just looting places, but I was doing it so me and my friends the next day could enjoy ourselves with good gear. Next day comes, and I just started playing, my friend tells me to come to him, so I am going to and the second I leave where I left off I was sniped instantly in the head and killed. 3-4 hours of my night wasted in seconds. I was pretty frustrated, but whatever. Great mod, just some of the people that play are...annoying.
  12. Kill yourself and do it all over again.
  13. StripedRaccoon

    General Survivor/Bandit Tips for Beginners

    I'm not a beginner, but these are some great tips.
  14. StripedRaccoon

    Can my computer run DayZ?

    Oh I see, well it should run fine on that rig.
  15. StripedRaccoon

    Can my computer run DayZ?

    Just wondering, why are you buying an iBuyPower from BestBuy, not from iBuyPower itself?
  16. StripedRaccoon

    Changes in FPS

    So yesterday I was playing with a couple of my friends on a 25-30 person server, while using Skype to talk, and was having extreme choppyness and decrease in fps(almost to where it was unplayable). Today this afternoon I was playing by myself on a 15 person server and was playing perfectly without any problems. My question is why is there such a big difference in fps when I was playing yesterday? Was it because of skype, more people on the server or both?
  17. StripedRaccoon

    Changes in FPS

    Ok thanks for the help. I will probably be spending just a little less than a grand, so hopefully I make something that will be good. Of course I knew it wouldn't run it smoothly, it's a little more than 5 years old.
  18. StripedRaccoon

    Changes in FPS

    Lowest possible. My resolution is at 800x600 and 3d res is a little lower. I can source games and other games pretty well, but I'm going to be building a new comp soon because it's getting old and it's about time.
  19. StripedRaccoon

    Rules of Day Z............

    Rule 6: Don't run around on the roofs of buildings.
  20. StripedRaccoon

    Changes in FPS

    AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4000+ 2.1 GHz Performance Rated at: 4.20 GHz 2.1 GB of RAM GeForce 9400 GT video card 1.7 GB of video RAM
  21. StripedRaccoon

    ShyGuySquad - Live Stream of DayZ

    I watched some, you got some really good gear lol
  22. StripedRaccoon

    Zombie Spawns

    Of course he is. People have been complaining about it for a while.
  23. StripedRaccoon

    Can someone tell me if this computer this will run DayZ?

    Cool, thanks for the response. I've been trying to decide between them and CyberPower.