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Everything posted by StripedRaccoon

  1. StripedRaccoon

    3rd life...had a blast...lived over 1 day! lol

    +1 for a positive post.
  2. StripedRaccoon

    Can someone tell me if this computer this will run DayZ?

    Sort of my own question, but is iBuypower a good place to buy a custom build from? I was thinking of getting a new pc from them.
  3. StripedRaccoon

    alienware m18x

    Maybe it was the 14x, I can't remember lol. Which ever it was it has no problem with DayZ.
  4. StripedRaccoon

    alienware m18x

    My friend just got an Alienware a few weeks ago. The M11x I think. He runs Dayz on highest, with no lag at all.
  5. StripedRaccoon

    What hasn't killed you ?

    I've never been killed by someone else.
  6. StripedRaccoon

    How did I get a red beret?

    Sweet skin.
  7. StripedRaccoon

    What was your first death?

    I think it was when I fell and broke my legs. I started bleeding and made my hopeless search for a bandage in one of the towns by crawling. During my search I got mobbed by 5 zombies.
  8. StripedRaccoon

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only.
  9. StripedRaccoon

    Reasons to become a bandit.

  10. StripedRaccoon

    Im that bandit....

    I stopped reading right here.
  11. Thanks for the tip, but not much of a difference for me.
  12. StripedRaccoon

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    Complain, complain, complain. Like many other complaint threads, the simple answer is the game is in alpha. Have patience and enjoy the game for what it is now.
  13. StripedRaccoon

    Is my graphics card enough to play dayz?

    Or simply try this site http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx Might not be the most reliable, but it works.
  14. Probably from falling and hitting the ground so hard that I die. Or from falling and breaking my legs which leaves me powerless so I kill myself.
  15. StripedRaccoon

    That's it....

    Wow that sucks lol
  16. StripedRaccoon

    How are you liking DayZ so far?

    Other than my computer barely being able to play it, it's great.
  17. StripedRaccoon

    Ppl still play this? Lol
