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Everything posted by kenwei2@netscape.net

  1. So our clan was interested in some clan vs clan PVP, we talked to the admin and the feeling seemed mutual, well not anymore because we are all banned. :P One of the admins "Ninja" spawns with a AS50 TWS, coyote backpack, radio, NVs, everything each time he dies (and only him). How do we know this? Because he told us, his reason, "because it's his custom server" that in his opinion is NOT admin abuse nor cheating... bullshit lol. One of our guys had ambushed him, killed him, and saw all of his bullshit gear just to be killed a few seconds later from another AS50 by the same person (it announces who kills who). We question wtf is going about it, which is when Ninja admits that he spawns with everything, then bans us all. This is the same guy who has an admin message that says, "If you use hacked in weapons or equipment you will be banned." Point is that it's all a hypocrisy and we still managed to steal all their gear, their heli and beat them in an unfair fight SO BAD that the admin nerd raged and banned us all. GG Ninja GG
  2. kenwei2@netscape.net

    US 1040 Movement

    Original video: These guys use hacks and abuse admin privileges, the proof is in the videos above. Just wanted to send out that warning, since you changed threads, so that people know that you guys don't play fair. ^.~ <3 u!
  3. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Small Group looking for mature players.

    We received a few applications but we aren't satisfied yet. If you are interested then send us your application on our website: http://www.indecisivebastards.com/home
  4. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Small Group looking for mature players.

    We are still recruiting, send us your applications and beer! Or just the beer!
  5. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    You mad bro? This is a game forum, not sparta, and certainly not a court case so calm down before I laugh myself out of my chair lol. Plus his name is mentioned in video proof, by me, that he is not a hacker so of course I'm removing the blame from his random survivor shoulders lmao!
  6. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    @Hunter You're right and my work here is done. I feel complete now that you have admitted that you utilize an ESP map hack, not like you were hiding it in the first place, you just made my day. And no that doesn't mean I'm going to report you lol. @bad_mojo Really? So your response is to blame me out of your frustration and butt hurt because I caught your buddies with their pants down? That this was all some elaborate trap to lure them into resetting the server under the false suspicion of hacks after they used hacks themselves to ban some random for no reason and with no proof? And that was my fault? You are a joke lmao!
  7. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    I bet that random person who was banned gives a fuck lol EDIT: Also I guess checking the logs doesn't count as a legit tool since "there are absolutely no legit tools available to them." God help us all!! I dunno how other server admins could possibly ever survive without using hacks to save them! EDIT2: Oh wait... they do... and without banning random people too... wow you're stupid
  8. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    I was bored so I edited the video so that you can see who is speaking in teamspeak. It also helps that I trimmed it down to 3mins lol. I wonder who these Hunter and Darwin guys are that keep talking about ESP map hacks... they couldn't be the admins could they? Naw... couldn't be.
  9. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Satchel Delivery Service US 1040

    In this video my team and I coordinate an attack on a friendly colony, US 1040, who have taken up base camp at the factory. Surrounded by snipers with thermal scopes and patrols inside and outside of the facility we figure that a friendly approach is the best way in... I guess they never thought that someone could bring satchel charges in on their main inventory! Normally we wouldn't do this however these guys are fascist azzhats who reset their server whenever it best interests them and swing their ban hammer at anyone who they feel is a threat. Near the end you will notice that they didn't ban me but some random person who didn't do anything wrong! lol wow Our team logged into their server far away from the factory. Our plan was to peacefully infiltrate their colony to test if we had followed the rules correctly, leave and retrieve the charges, then return and blow up the place! I had 4 satchel charges on me and was waiting in the woods under a bunch of trees in Black Forest far off from the factory. I had no backpack, no main or secondary weapon, and was in civilian cloths equipped with a flashlight. After a few minutes of waiting, and entering their teamspeak, I hear in game chat of someone talking to me WTF!? Someone had found me somehow but it wasn't hard to convince them that I had lost my backpack while swimming and that I was friendly. The person who found me was the server admin Hunter in a hero skin, hero skin looks pretty cool, and he asked if I was going to the colony and so I had my ticket inside! He gave me a set of NV, GPS, a 1911, and on the way to colony we found a winchester I picked up in a barn. Once inside the colony I waited for 45 to 60 minutes for my friends to arrive and eventually got bored and decided to carry out the plan myself. I placed 3 satchel charges inside and while the helicopter was landing I placed one near their vehicles outside. There are no death messages on this server unfortunately so I have no idea how many people I killed but it sure was fun. It's too bad that they reset the server and banned that other random person lol. If it wasn't for that I would feel bad about doing this... too bad they didn't take it like a man. To avoid suspicion I committed suicide by zombie since I had a bandit skin on. TLDR: My team and I had a plan to blow up colony. I got in early, I got bored, so I blew up the colony before my friends got there. They then reset the server and banned some random person. Protip: The helicopter respawns on the island each time they reset the server, have fun!
  10. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Satchel Delivery Service US 1040

    LOL I wonder who was flying
  11. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    All I hear are excuses and whining by you on behalf of the server admins lol. Rocket actually specified that using hacked equipment is fine as long as you didn't hack it in yourself. Any admin that bans a noob for not knowing they picked up a hacked weapon is breaking the rules. I never called "for blood" or for anyone to take the colony down. I merely said "I won't even bother reporting you [...] but I will offer [...] video evidence [...] if they wish." I would have hoped that an aerospace engineer would be able to get their facts straight... guess I was wrong.
  12. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    "You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs." You mad bro? Or do I need to bring up the rules on hacking as well?
  13. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Proof you guys are using the ESP map hack @14:45 of my video. Admin abuse @16:50 when the server was restarted for "hacking" even though you had no proof. Even more admin abuse @17:00 when some random person was banned also with no proof. I won't even bother reporting you as plenty of other people seem to already be doing so but I will offer them some additional video evidence that they can use if they wish. Lets see what bullshit excuses you have to offer to explain this. P.S. I have video of when I entered the complex in a friendly manner so as no one can suggest that I ghosted in. I even talked to one of your guys, no inviso hacks either, and he was just a few meters away from one of the satchels I placed (close call lol).
  14. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Satchel Delivery Service US 1040

    I was going to go camp the barracks because I really wanted to find satchel charges but before I could even get there I ran past someone standing who was aiming their sidearm. I freaked out at first but then realized that it was a glitched body so I circled around and looted his person. He had an L85, coyote backpack, NV, the works. When I looked into my backpack when I took his I saw the satchels and immediately began to freak out again, although this time with joy! :D
  15. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Satchel Delivery Service US 1040

    Nope, this is a normal server just like any other one. The problem is that the admin bans random people and resets the server whenever they want.
  16. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Satchel Delivery Service US 1040

    Yeah they did. At the very beginning of the video one of them comments how it is weird that they now have third person view as I just assume that they changed it recently.
  17. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Satchel Delivery Service US 1040

    I didn't know they were going to bi*sh out and reset the server lol next time I'll confront them on teamspeak to see if they reset or not but I agree with you 100% it was a waste of satchel charges indeed :P Also if you listen in to the chat following the explosion they talk about checking their "map" and comment about movement of other players. It's very possible that they have hacked "maps" that show the location of other players which would explain how that Hunter guy found me so damn fast! Not confirmed but very suspicious!! Don't you think?
  18. kenwei2@netscape.net

    After this newest update I get bad version error.

    Same issue here, try reinstalling the game :P that's what I'm going to do :(
  19. kenwei2@netscape.net

    How to downgrade/update Arma 2 beta patch

    Worked for a friend of mine but I haven't been able to get it to work for me. I'll update once I get it working~
  20. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Small Group looking for mature players.

    Sounds like an interesting group.
  21. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Double death and recovery

    I was in Berezino showing my friend a demo of the game. I found a submachine gun and tried it out on a few zombies then told him that you should never fire a gun in a town because it not only alerts nearby zombies but other players as well. I had checked for zombies before entering so I thought it was ok but I was wrong lol! I ran through the north supermarket and went prone in the back to show him how you can lose zombies without shooting by losing line of sight and when I went back to the front to see if there was anything nice I got head shot from the top floor of the tallest hotel across the road. It of course scared the crap out of me since I had just been up that hotel however I just restarted as we all have many times lol. When my screen loaded my character passed out randomly (the longest one you get when you alt+f4 while bleeding) and I also noticed that I had a gun for some reason! When I got up (I wasn't bleeding) I looked at my inventory and saw that I had all my gear from a previous server crash! Not only that but I also was right next to the 3 barns south of the supermarket so of course I sprinted north across the field and took cover behind the market. Two doors were open and I remember that they were both closed so I figured that the guy came in from the back to loot my body. I entered from the back, turned the corner, and saw someone prone on the ground bleeding so I shot him twice with my Winchester but he didn’t move. On walked forward and realized he was dead! Now it was possible that a third person was involved who could have just heard my shots so I sprinted to the front in hopes of surprising them off guard. There was no one there so I went prone behind the counter near where my previous body was. I looted my Alice pack and tried to grab as many tools from my corpse as I could while my friend was freaking out behind me to hurry and get the heck out of there! I crouched, turned around, and ran out the back of the supermarket and never saw the third person. Although it is possible that the person prone in the back could have been killed by zombies I think that is highly unlikely solely because he died with his rifle out while he had plenty of sidearm ammo left. Now whether he was the one who shot me or just another unlucky survivor is entirely disputable. I do believe however that he was the one who shot me solely because no one took any of the good stuff I had on me which leads me to believe that the third person saw my killer enter the back of the building and ambushed him from behind only to leave through the other end of the back of the supermarket without knowledge that my body was even there. That would at least explain why two doors were opened when they were shut when I died.
  22. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Double death and recovery

    Shock Symptoms If the player logs out with this status, the next time they log in they will spend a long period unconscious. It is marked by a White symbol on the HUD Causes Shock is the status effect a player will receive after being shot at by another player or damaging themselves somehow. Treatment This status will last for 5 minutes and is incurable EDIT: Just to be clear; I have never avoided death by alt+f4
  23. kenwei2@netscape.net

    I got killed by a server hopper. I quit.

    Happened to me as well although I had my .45 out and shot too high... should have had my ak out...
  24. kenwei2@netscape.net

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, I am Kenwei, IGN: "Kenwei7",Steam: "Kenwei2", and I've been playing Day Z for about a month now. I am from Texas GMT-5 and I'm currently focusing on killing zombies so I tend to avoid people if at all possible. I will however shoot any anyone who is on a hill with a sniper rifle aiming at me lol and of course anyone who does not communicate.