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Everything posted by Pheenix89

  1. Did you read what you quoted? I wrote SAVED vehicles which means they have already spawned been repaired and all that.
  2. Thats not from Hive, its from GameSpy -_- hive only stores server specific details such as objects (tents/vehicles) and player stuff like equipment, medical condition and location.
  3. Still running flawless for me, it has restarted my server 2 times since yesterday, just as it is scheduled to do.
  4. Pheenix89

    Will DayZ work with DVD copy?

    Any legit version of Arma 2 with Arma 2 OA or Arma 2 combined operations should work.
  5. From what I have read on the forums and offical posts, there currently is no public API or Protocoll, this is because alot of character data is saved in the hive and you could expose i.e vehicle locations and player gear/locations.
  6. Saved vehicles are not supposed to have a delay on the spawn time, something is clearly wrong with the object streaming from hive.
  7. Just noticed my server had the same issue, must have been something with BE master server.
  8. Pheenix89

    I cant login as admin...

    Use the search function, this has been answered so many times before.. Last time i checked it was still functioning.
  9. Pheenix89

    Help a n00b to use BEC

    The chat is always there, just not enabled for ppl to read.
  10. I agree with Worsin, its really frustrating having a 50% working server, im ok with playing on it and looking for crash sites but thats pretty much it, i know i cant find any broken huey, no atv, no bike no nothing and im 99% sure of this since it's been reported by the players on my server, they dont like it, i dont like it. One day we had vehicles, next day we didnt have them anymore. EDIT: If we wanted a server only for vehicles we could just host a private hive, i dont want a private hive, i want the legit version of a server, but i sure as hell want it to work better than the private ones, and at this point it really isnt.
  11. It took my server 3 days to get vehicles, we had them for like 3-4 restarts and now they're mysteriously gone again. My instance id is well above 6k.. even above 8k, i was told it can take up to 7 days for vehicles to spawn on a server from a ticket i made at the support site, when i made another ticket about them mysteriously dissappearing he told me to make a ticket on dev-heaven: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/40381
  12. https://dev-heaven.net/issues/40381 if you want to do something about it, upvote on this, otherwise there's not much you can do really, i've already ticketed about it on the support site and he just told me to make a ticket on dev-heaven.
  13. Ok dude, im really sorry for an iinconvenience i may have caused, i realized it says recruit until someone has joined the server, so everytime i started with your tool there wasnt anyone in lobby yet. Everytime i started with .bat file there was always at least one there before i got to check. I feel really stupid. (o_o) Edit: FYI Im using your tool now and its running flawless.
  14. Pheenix89

    No entry '.profilePathDefault'

    I know exactly what the problem is, when you create a shortcut for arma2oa.exe beta in steam its set to start in \arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta its not supposed to start in \Expansion\beta, its supposed to start in \arma 2 operation arrowhead. I accidently got this error message when i was helping my friend to launch DayZ via steam, compared his properties with mine, changed the wrong line and voila, no error message. the target is still supposed to be: "X:\the\path\to\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=E:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -startup -parameters -go -here so long story short target: "X:\the\path\to\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=E:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -startup -parameters -go -here start in: x:\the\path\to\arma 2 operation arrowhead
  15. Ok i dont know how or why it happend and or what it did, my server had created like 5x folders With users: BattlEye, SE56 and cfgdayz so i had the same files in 5 different locations dunno if it messed up a CD somewhere but in the last 4 folders the ArmA2OAProfile files were empty. I removed all the folders that shouldnt be there, its really Confusing It created user folders in: Z:\cfgdayz\users\cfgdayz\users\ arma2oa\cfgdayz\users\cfgdayz\users\cfgdayz\users\cfgdays arma2oa\cfgdays\users\SE56\users\SE56\users i think the Z:\ folder was created when i changed it to cfgdays\users in your config if i look at the time the folder was last changed~ still cant get it to work with ur tool
  16. Im not sure, would you mind posting the contents of a new difficulty file?
  17. My normal server start .bat file looks like this: /High Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe -mod=EXPANSION\beta;EXPANSION\beta\Expansion;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz;@hive -ip=***.***.224.154 -port=2302 -profiles=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg -name=SE56 -world=Chernarus -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=1 -noSound -maxMem=2047 -noCB if i start with that my difficulty will be veteran as specified in server.cfg and in your config: # Dayz Configurations name=-name=SE56 config=-config=cfgdayz\server.cfg cfg=-cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg profile=-profiles=cfgdayz ipserv=-ip=***.***.224.154 port=-port=2302 world=-world=Chernarus cpu=-cpuCount=4 threads=-exThreads=1 #What ever is set here, Must be set at pidfile pid=-pid=Z:\tools\pid\pid.txt nocb=-noCB maxmem=-maxMem=2047 nosound=-noSound #Priority for server|Can be set with - Realtime, High, AboveNormal, Normal, BelowNormal, Low priority=/High Which should be exactly the same; My server shows as difficulty: recruit
  18. Still, what does the profile have to do with BE? i mean we already specified that folder in #Locations beroot2=SET beroot="Z:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\cfgdayz\BattlEye" its like its looking for \BattlEye folder in profile= and not for a .ArmA2OAProfile file
  19. I tried with and without slash different folders, it still doesnt read my profile. i even copied the profile to all folders: cfgdayz, cfgdayz\Users, cfgdayz\users\cfgdayz, arma 2 operation arrowhead
  20. i also noticed that if i change profile=cfgdayz to something else i.e profile=\cfgdayz\users\cfgdayz I will get an battleye initialization failed when i try to start the server.. what does the profile have to do with battleye? :/
  21. for arma2oaserver.exe preferably. I have one issue.. it seems it's not reading my profile correctly.. it reads the server.cfg and arma2.cfg but my difficulty is left at recruit, i have it set to veteran in my server cfg, so it should be a profile reading issue right?
  22. If its not too much to ask id also like an option to choose task priority i.e HIGH / REALTIME with that this tool will be perfect for me.
  23. Awesome.. so my config file is looking like this: #Please read the readme.txt before messing with these settings. #Title of Program titleserv=SE 56 Log Rotation #Locations beroot2=SET beroot="Z:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\cfgdayz\BattlEye" startdayz=SET dayz="Z:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead" LID=8**** pidfile=Z:\tools\pid install=Z:\tools\ryahn_STS #Required File Names To Be Killed beckill=Bec.exe heartkill=heartbeat.exe #Custom Task Kills #task1 //Cannot be used until next release #task2 //Cannot be used until next release #task3 //Cannot be used until next release #task4 //Cannot be used until next release #task5 //Cannot be used until next release #task6 //Cannot be used until next release #task7 //Cannot be used until next release #Timout Settings (All times are in SECONDS) timetask=2 timelog=5 timebec=18 timewarm=5 timerunning=45 timereset=5 # Dayz Configurations name=cfgdayz config=cfgdayz\server.cfg cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg profile=cfgdayz ipserv=***.***.224.154 port=2302 world=Chernarus cpu=4 threads=1 #What ever is set here, Must be set at pidfile pid=Z:\tools\pid\pid.txt # Bec becpath=Z:\tools\bec beccfg=DayZ.cfg #What ever is set here, must be set in beckill becexe=Bec.exe and my tools folder look like this: Should work right?
  24. Could you also include -noCB, -maxMem & -noSound in # Dayz Configurations ?
  25. Hmm i still dont get it, PID is not something that currently exists in my server / server folders, it's something i create for this, am i correct?