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Everything posted by ideal-hosting

  1. ideal-hosting

    *German* bug, reconnected in debug island und gestorben

    Hört sich eher nach jemandem an, der dich teleportiert hat.
  2. ideal-hosting

    Suchen Anhang :D

    I'll PM you ;)
  3. ideal-hosting

    What happens if I find a hacked gun, or vehicle?

    Most likely not. But if you want to be sure, better drop it somewhere.
  4. ideal-hosting

    Game Mechanics behind vehicles and vehicle spawn?

    There is a limit on each vehicle on the map. The spawnpoints are public, look up for the DayZdb Map. When a player takes the car, the limit is in place. When it's not used for 7 days, it respawns. When it breaks, it respawns faster (<- inaccurate Information) Vehicles are often hidden in forests. But trust me, there is a good amount of vehicles on each server.
  5. ideal-hosting

    Client IP

    It's not a way to bypass battleeye. It will simply kick you if there is no connection between the servers battle-eye and the clients.
  6. ideal-hosting

    UH-1H Takes A LOT of Fuel

    Fix it completely with the windows and it will stop leaking ;)
  7. Hey Horatio, check out www.dayzmod.biz Usually there is a group of players in the teamspeak (mostly after midday/evenings) It's not like a super-fixed group though! It's just having fun together and help eachother but you don't have to stay forever (but you can!)