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Everything posted by Xyxyll

  1. Middle of the day' date=' in the center of the air field, surrounded. What was I suppose to do, crawl in hopes that non of them saw me in bright light day? [/quote'] Yes. That's what I do. So far it worked well. Not sure I would have made it across the street alive in the daytime (4h11m in): http://www.twitch.tv/xyxyll/b/318116336 My scariest moment so far!
  2. You may be right that this is rocket's game, but it would be foolish to not make this game engaging and entertaining for the most number of players possible, as it has the potential to make rocket a lot of money. Negative criticism and bickering is actually good feedback. Everyone plays this game differently, whether it be solo, group, hunter, bandit, scavenger, etc., so all this "you're wrong because I don't have a problem with it" attitude accomplishes very little. People may change their playtype a little based on new external factors in the game, but if you push them too hard, they'll jump ship quicker than I died to zombies last night on the beach. Game design is a very delicate balancing act. Also, all this screaming about the 1.5.7 patch is not people ripping on the game. Clearly quite the opposite. People are emotionally attached to this game, for obvious reasons, and want to see it be the best it can be.
  3. I had no idea that the extra zombies were NOT intentional until I saw this thread. The changelog makes it seem intentional, which may be why people, including me before now, were all up in flames about the zombie count. I managed to barely survive solo in Cherno last night looting the whole city, but that is only because I never fired a shot. When I left the city and pulled the trigger in a small town, you'd think I aggro'ed the entire map. It was brutal.