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Everything posted by kazam

  1. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    So true! :-D
  2. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Indeed Ofc I do know how to speak english :D so y I should speak english if im on teamspeak with 4 other germans? :P
  3. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Yea Sure, and right now im Streaming again! http://de.twitch.tv/acer_kazam I only speak english when im playing alone, cauze all my mates are german :P
  4. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Annnd playing again! http://de.twitch.tv/acer_kazam This game makes u addicted :D
  5. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Noe I was waiting for a friend :D But now just playing again @day :-) http://de.twitch.tv/acer_kazam
  6. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    If u want just view my stream :-) http://de.twitch.tv/acer_kazam
  7. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    I like the game how it is right now :-) And most of the bugs / glitches come from Arma 2 itself
  8. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Playing right now a bit :-P de.twitch.tv/acer_kazam
  9. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Indeed :P But yea sure would be funny to play with some of u guys! :)