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Everything posted by kazam

  1. Since the update of many people have problems to connect on servers. It always stucks in the loading screen. Also waiting doesn't help in this case. I guess most of you guys are using Six Launcher, so just fellow these steps which helped me (I don't have any problems to connect on servers) 1. Download 'DayZ Commander' 2. Install it *g* 3. Open it and press on "versions" (Top right side) 4. Press on Check Now and download the newest version ( Before this i manualy downloaded and just exchanged them with the old files. That didn't rly help me.. so I hope you guys can fix it and return in the world of surviving! ;-) cheers
  2. I had the same problem today for like 5 times. Just spawned always at the south coast -.-' Kinda scared to log into the game again
  3. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Hey everyone, I already have ArmA2 since nearly 2 years but I just noticed some weeks ago that theres such a interested mod as "DayZ" so now I finaly though like "okay give it a try". I have totaly no clue how to play this mod but Im pretty sure my mate and me will have lots of fun :P So if you want, just watch my Livestream Channel on Twitch TV - the quality is pretty good. http://de.twitch.tv/kazam Theres some commercial for Acer on the Channel cauze currently I'm playing competitive for Team Acer (Battlefield 3) in the ESL Pro Series. see yaa :-)
  4. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Finaly the game works again for me :-) http://de.twitch.tv/kazam Speaking German, but just ask in English if u have any kind of advises
  5. kazam

    Loading prob (I read the FAQ)

    Got the same problem since 4 days.. On some server I can join.. but mostly those are with over 40 people. Also I always spawn at the South Coast, and I do not want to lose my L85 xD
  6. kazam

    Female Zombies

    Its Czech Republic not Russia :P
  7. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Streaming again! http://de.twitch.tv/kazam
  8. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    So after three days rage for loosing again some stuff im streaming again :P http://de.twitch.tv/kazam
  9. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    After I lost my equip by mistake I just did a break for a while :P Back in business and tryin to find some stuff :P http://de.twitch.tv/kazam
  10. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    :-D http://de.twitch.tv/kazam# Try it, Im gonna kill ya with my NV :P
  11. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    http://de.twitch.tv/kazam# # Just got killed after surviving 6hours with a nightvision, so starting new :P
  12. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Hey! My streams channel name has been changed, everything else is still the same :-) So now its http://de.twitch.tv/kazam and not acer_kazam anymore. I hope some of you do enjoy it! Im almost every day streaming, just give me some advises tips and feedback for everything :)
  13. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Again a round :D
  14. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    Yea that was pretty cool :-) Anyways, streaming again! http://de.twitch.tv/acer_kazam
  15. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    theres a X on the top :-) I mean I just share my stream with others wheres the prob? http://de.twitch.tv/acer_kazam# me and my friends playin again :D
  16. kazam

    Livestream of DayZ

    http://de.twitch.tv/acer_kazam Streaming again!