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Everything posted by Firemac

  1. As you all know, this magnificent game that is only in ALPHA mode has already recieved tons of retarded hackers who thinks its funny to cheat because they are either too bad or too lazy to do stuff on their own. So everyone that is new to DayZ should be carefull while playing, because a new threat to you inside the game has borned - Hackers. They can spawn items ingame that doesnt belong there. Teleport you across the map, become invincible and even teleport themselfs to you. Today I logged into LU170 to play alittle when I noticed a player crawling in the distance. I shot him three times with my sniper and yet he didnt die. I saw the blood flowing and he only dissapeard. Minutes later I noticed that someone was behind me, I turned around and shot my attacker two times in the chest with my sniper, yet he didnt die he only dissapeared. I quickly understood that this was the same guy who was 600 meters infront of me just some minutes ago, but how did he get behind me? I knew that he was a hacker and I quickly aborted the game. I advise all new players to do the same if something weird like this happends to you. These hackers show no mercy and will kill you when they get the chance. I have warned you, and this is everything I can do in order to help you all. - Firemac, a loyal hardcore player.
  2. Firemac

    Warning to new players!

    I dont know if I'm allowed to post other servers, but you should try out private hives like this one http://zombies.comrade.su/ Good connection, good security and nice players :)
  3. You sir, have earned my beans.
  4. Hello DayZ and fellow readers. I do really not know about you other players. but when I play DayZ I stay very focused and a little nudge can make me spray the living shit out of everything near me, and the problem is I've accidently fired my gun, which happends often to be loud as hell several times. The problem with this, especially during the night, is that it gives away my position. Thats why I suggest that DayZ should introduce this "Safety Button" that is pretty common on real life guns, it would be really appreciated amongs players I think. And please give me some respond readers, give me ur flaming comments if you think this is totally crap or just give me your beanzzz if you like my suggesiton! - NamuN out.
  5. Firemac

    Private Hive/server.

    A private server (hive) is a server which is separated from the DayZ database, meaning that everything you do outside the server stays outside, whatever you do inside that specific server stays in that server. Some of them have whitelists/passwords. The main reason for HIVES is to avoid hackers, as I have understood it.
  6. Firemac

    DayZ "Safety Button" Suggestion

    True, true.... But for example a M14 AIM or some NATO weaps and so on
  7. Firemac

    Finally Got The Goods To Survive

    I like to kill people and hide their bodies :3
  8. You got served, you filthy hacka'!
  9. Firemac

    What's with these private hyves?

    Thank you good Sir, you shall have my Beans!
  10. Firemac

    What's with these private hyves?

    Lol, please tell me this is a troll post. If it isnt and you are serious, seek mental help for understanding. If you cant see the logic in having private hives, you really need help. Sorry for flaming, but this topic.... Its to much for me to bear.
  11. Firemac

    DayZ "Safety Button" Suggestion

    Aha thanks for the info
  12. Firemac

    DayZ "Safety Button" Suggestion

    Ah I searched the forum fast and didn't find anything like this. Well I think people would use it, as I see it DayZ are trying to make a game so realistic as it can be, so I think this is a good idea. Thank you for your opinions, except for RyanH100, the fat little virgin :). You can only meet troll with troll.
  13. Firemac

    Gear Lost

    Yesterday I was in Cherno killing alot of people. I went to Balota killed additional two people then logged out safely under some bushes. I logged in today on the same server and I had to create a new character. Anyone know why this happend? EDIT : Happend on SE 9 EDIT : On SE 9 I am in Otmel, on other servers I am in Kamenka.
  14. Firemac

    Gear Lost

    Thanks, but what doe sthis anti freshspawn killing mean? That everytime you relog you start all over?
  15. Firemac

    Gear Lost

  16. Firemac

    Hacker killed me i got the video

    Clearly got shot not hacked.
  17. Firemac

    Bandit Skin Returns?

    Something u should care about is the bug. If you turn bandit you WILL lose you backpack.
  18. Firemac


    The problem I have is everytime I turn Bandit my backpack dissapears and gets replaced by a shitty coyote patrol backpack. Annoying because I always PVP with a sniper and a enfield, I always end up losing one.
  19. Same thing happend 2 me. I reached Humanity 0 and my skin changed, when I checked I lost my backpack with loads of Pking items. A pain in the butt really.
  20. Dude, we dont want to hear your brag, especially not when your text is 50% fake. Video or it didnt happen
  21. Firemac

    We Take No Chances: recruiting

    There is no democracy in DayZ. There is only death....
  22. Firemac

    Global Ban BattleEye

    First post on the forum, and its about a global ban. Welcome to hell, and please enjoy your stay, because I fear you will stay here for a long, long time.
  23. Firemac

    I got randomly kicked?

    You got kicked from one out of thousands of servers and you had to start a thread about it? Please, tell me more about your unique adventures.
  24. Firemac

    Trading almost anything for a car

    You wouldn't steal a car?
  25. Firemac

    Ghillie suit - easy come, easy go.

    You sir, have earned my beans.