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About blommas

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Me and my friend, want's to find a server with max vehicles, private hive, DayZ Namalsk, around 20-30 players. But how much is max vehicles? 200+?
  2. I'm not sure, but I've seen some friendly hackers giving my weapons and 1 bad hacker, and I've played more than 50 hours, and been at NW Airfield 2 times.
  3. Alright... but did it fix itself?
  4. A hatchet would be fine, so you could chop down zombies.
  5. So yesterday, me and my friend was playing. We were at NW Airfield, walked down to stary sobor, we needed both to eat, came back, and spawned in NW Airfield, and lost all the items, we picked up, on the way down to stary sobor?.. And then we died, when trying to find our car, and we came back to NW Airfield again, and we died 3 times more, and we would keep spawning there, with the items? Is this some weird bug, or is is the server?
  6. blommas

    DayZ CampTracker

    Yay, I just thought it was some little kiddie, posted a hack, but just a "helper" :D.
  7. blommas

    Everything disappeared? :S

    Happened for me yesterday. Nothing to do, try to find tents and then survive :) I just looked for tents, found an AS50, so it's good to do that, right after you've spawned.
  8. blommas

    Why do YOU kill in DayZ?

    Loot, and everybody kills eachother, so I do it for my own best.
  9. Alright, thanks for all the replies, I'll never pick that weapon up again. I died, came back and looted my dead body, and then I found an M4A1 CCO :D.
  10. blommas

    why are so many children playing this game?

    Eh, what age are you thinking about, when saying children?
  11. Okay, thanks guys, I'll change weapon. Is remington good, because I saw it, but I didn't know if I should get it :S.
  12. I was 1 meter away from him, and I saw that the blood came out from him, and I didn't hit the ground :S
  13. I was running over to a place, I see a bandit, shoot him fast, he gets down and I keep shooting him like crazy, but he didn't die, and then he just shot me? How many bullets can you take, from an MP5SD6? I though't he would die after 10 bullets or something?