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About iNSANE.

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  1. iNSANE.

    Banditry exploded

    I was beeing ironic :P Just wanted to reply to all those people who think it's realistic to only have psychopaths that kill for fun. ^^
  2. iNSANE.

    Banditry exploded

    Last time i checked 99% of the population are psychopaths so DayZ seems pretty realistic. Seriously what are you going to do in an Apocalypse ? There is no internet or videogames to play so it seems reasonable to kill some noobs for the lulz, killing them with Assault Rifles is too dangerous so most people will just blow some heads up with their AS50. Well they have their 10 duped ones in a tent back home and ammo is not a question as you just have to log out and back in again. Seems realistic to me.
  3. iNSANE.

    Snipers are OP?

    Well I mainly shoot them in the chest :D But other than that disconnecting and bug-using is always an issue, and with every gun in the game, that's not a valid point in a balance discussion i think...
  4. iNSANE.

    Snipers are OP?

    I love the SVD it's a really good sniper rifle but also pretty rare so it's perfectly fine. I just don't like the AS50 and M107, I've played a lot with them because they are just so easy to use but I feel like that is not the point of the game and seems pretty boring after a while. But I feel like removing the Rangefinder would also be a good idea, it would still be possible to guess the range if you know how to do it but would take way more skill. Of course the SVD would be the most badass rifle but I think that's fair as it is really rare. :D
  5. iNSANE.

    Snipers are OP?

    In my opinion 50Cal. Snipers are OP, other than that I think they are pretty ok. Should just remove M107 and AS50 and it would be fine. I have played a lot with my AS50 and it's just so easy to kill people you don't even need to be good at shooting, doesn't matter if you just hit the arm or legs...
  6. iNSANE.

    I beat DayZ!!!

    Oh fuck i did also beat the game and didn't notice it. oO Thanks OP now i know that i finished the game, well better not play it again.
  7. Well to be honest I would love the best gear to be really rare, as it is now with all the exploits and serverhopping going on almost everybody can run around like Rambo because he has the best gear but doesn't care about beeing killed. Sniper rifles should be rare but with all the duping going on every second person on the server seems to have a Sniperrifle which sucks, that's also a point why PvP is pretty lame atm. Would be much more intense when you would have only a M4 or AKM instead of a DMR with Nightvision or a AS50 with Rangefinder...
  8. iNSANE.

    Sniping for Fun Isn't Banditry

    I can hit targets pretty well I would say ;) I think sniping is the only way for me at the moment, having the most valuable gear limits you in the way you play the game. Maybe I got too attached to my gear but I haven't died in quite a while and I just don't want to lose my stuff but I still want to continue playing the game. It is pretty strange but somehow this is the only way I see, either helping out my mates to get them the good stuff or killing people for fun. I love sniping in this game, I know it's not the most Badass thing in the world but killing a group of really well equiped players within some seconds just feels good to me...
  9. iNSANE.

    Sniping for Fun Isn't Banditry

    I had the same thoughts as you until I got nearly everything there is in the game. I mainly kill to protect my teammates but when nobody is on I like to camp with my Sniper (either M107 or DMR with Nightvision and Rangefinder) and just shoot some people for fun. I love killing groups of 3 or more players, it is no challenge (most of the time) but I like the feeling when I see all of them laying on the ground and panicing as I put another shot through their friends head. I'm not one of the guys camping Cherno all day but if I'm bored and there is absolutely nobody at the NW Airfield, Stary or some other spot I will occasionaly go to Cherno. I don't feel guilty for killing people, why would I ? I was one of those guys but now I'm more than a survivor, I'm just a ghost in the forrest waiting for you.
  10. iNSANE.

    Typical firefight in DayZ

    That's the reason why the only good weapons are sniper rifles, before they hear the sound they are dead. Well atleast that's the reason I only play sniper rifles...