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=ANz= Zentile

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Everything posted by =ANz= Zentile

  1. =ANz= Zentile

    how do you end game? what is end game for you?

    what warz? lol.... have fun with that peice of shit
  2. =ANz= Zentile

    how do you end game? what is end game for you?

    yeah i just want there to be some benefit from not being a bandit this standalone better be good haha
  3. =ANz= Zentile

    how do you end game? what is end game for you?

    items only dissapear if your and idiot who doesnt know how the inventory system works.. kthnxbye =]
  4. =ANz= Zentile

    how do you end game? what is end game for you?

    yeah but hopefully rocket can make us have to push for end game and not make running in cherno with a AKm giving no shits the most liable way to play this game. i think like adding npcs that do shit to make it worth us not dying will help alot or even adding like different in game factions we can join (i know this sounds like WoW but yeah) and like planned raids or some shit but yea atm the end game isnt set its just what people make of it. at one stage i thought getting a Scope and sniping cherno was the end game ,,, ha
  5. =ANz= Zentile

    how do you end game? what is end game for you?

    ahhh so those are the voices in my head telling me to kill freshies on the shore..!!!
  6. =ANz= Zentile

    how do you end game? what is end game for you?

    every game has end game its just what you make of it brosef//
  7. =ANz= Zentile

    how do you end game? what is end game for you?

    yeah thats why i want to fill my tool belt haha is it even possible to fill it?
  8. =ANz= Zentile

    This is allowed or a hacker?

    i dont think hackers can remap keys dude? maybe you got killed while you were loading in? because if you had the option to abort your character was probably showing up in game. Sorry if this doesnt help but i cant see how they can remap shit?
  9. =ANz= Zentile

    how do you end game? what is end game for you?

    haha MD is cursed sorry to break it too you =[ and yeah the other night in elek i saw a guy get sniped (he broke his legs) so after i killed teh idiot sniper i went and helped him gave him bandaids morphine and blood and he shot me,,, so yeah people are veeeery aggressive lately hahah
  10. btw its called /bump.. and the gear your offering is shittttty
  11. look at him just saying it like nothing will happen.... your going to get raped by little green people that come out of your gym bag.... shits gona get real
  12. =ANz= Zentile

    Trading AS50, GPS, and Night Vision

    yeah i got one add me on skype icdeadpeople3
  13. how dare you say that name! you shouldnt be talking about _____mountain bad shit happens to you man
  14. =ANz= Zentile

    Trading AS50, GPS, and Night Vision

    what would u want for the as50? with in reason haha im willing to trade whatever man idm
  15. =ANz= Zentile

    New Server opening tonight

    info!!! gogogogo!!!! =DDDD
  16. =ANz= Zentile

    succesful trade!!

    great trade no firing or overwatch needed was peaceful (not for the zeds!) but thanks alot symptom hope to trade again soon! items traded Zentile: L85 For Symptom: Nvgs Cayote backpack and a DMR
  17. =ANz= Zentile

    succesful trade!!

    yeah its cool to see people trading peacefully haha
  18. =ANz= Zentile

    Traders and Traitors

    symptom is trusted as well as me .. had a perfect trade last night no shots no overwatch everything was traded no bs and he even gave me tips on the dmr! as i gave him some for the l85 hehe!
  19. =ANz= Zentile

    Looking for L85A2 AWS

    ok i have a L85 to trade bro add me on skype : icdeadpeople3
  20. =ANz= Zentile

    Trading NVG, Rangefinder, L85

    shot man maybe we can join up our groups we are looking for more (there is 3 of us ) if need be il just grab one for you without a price have you got skype bro?
  21. =ANz= Zentile

    Trading for L85A2 AWS or Ghillie Suit

    bro i messaged you haha ive got a L85 with alot of clips
  22. =ANz= Zentile

    Trading NVG, Rangefinder, L85

    red can i trade u something for 1 range finder and a NVG? and vera i come across .50 cal's often add me on steam bro brandinos911 i think i have one or two in my tents not too sure
  23. not going to be too greedy =]
  24. =ANz= Zentile

    Looking for offers for my L85

    how many rounds? and add me on skype : icdeadpeople3
  25. =ANz= Zentile

    Trading SVD Camo with 3 mags

    i can give you NvGs and a L85 with shit tons of mags