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=ANz= Zentile

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About =ANz= Zentile

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    New Zealand
  1. =ANz= Zentile

    Met a hacker... and I pity him

    your a bitch drop the shit he gave you harden the fuck up and stop blaming him for ruining dayz for you asshole
  2. =ANz= Zentile

    need help im not a F*cking bandit...

    yeah is there anyway to get rid of it or lower it? like a blood bag gives you 450+ so ive got to do over 500 blood tranfusions... anyone want to loan me a day or two? ha
  3. =ANz= Zentile

    need help im not a F*cking bandit...

    i think its -3k?
  4. =ANz= Zentile

    need help im not a F*cking bandit...

    so if i put a ghille on will it reset my humanity? or am i going be considered a bandit forever in dayz
  5. =ANz= Zentile

    need help im not a F*cking bandit...

    hmm does the glitch persist after relog? i got camo last night and it went to 0 but so did my zed kills so yeah il have to see
  6. =ANz= Zentile

    need help im not a F*cking bandit...

    its such a broken system. A mate of mine who just kills on sight before we pathced he had around 15+ murders and he had positive humanity
  7. =ANz= Zentile

    need help im not a F*cking bandit...

    haha yeah i just hate the look of the skin...
  8. ok so on saturday(18th of august) i manned up and patched dayz... i dont kill players unless im being shot at by them im friendly i like to help noobies (give them guns and medical supplies) but yet i ghave -92000 humanity for no apparent reason.. what is the best way to regain my humanity its bullshit... (my spelling is shit i know)
  9. ok so on saturday(18th of august) i manned up and patched dayz... i dont kill players unless im being shot at by them im friendly i like to help noobies (give them guns and medical supplies) but yet i ghave -92000 humanity for no apparent reason.. what is the best way to regain my humanity its bullshit... (my spelling is shit i know)
  10. ok so on saturday(18th of august) i manned up and patched dayz... i dont kill players unless im being shot at by them im friendly i like to help noobies (give them guns and medical supplies) but yet i ghave -92000 humanity for no apparent reason.. what is the best way to regain my humanity its bullshit... (my spelling is shit i know)
  11. =ANz= Zentile

    Hive down??

    You flatter me young man (lol) its not my server and yes there are hackers and they sucked.. to who ever was on that gay little sniper tower in cherno you suck ass you had a AS50 TWS and yet i killed you with a Aks-cobra please go die thanks for the back back nvgs and range finders wanker..
  12. =ANz= Zentile

    Hive down??

    us 1510 is working
  13. =ANz= Zentile

    us 2195

    please restart the server.... Veryyyy laggy
  14. =ANz= Zentile

    SoC (Shadows of Chernarus) australia

    2 geared over watch and a geared rifleman looking to join your group (we are all from NZ) add me on steam:brandinos911 skype: icdeadpeople3
  15. =ANz= Zentile

    how do you end game? what is end game for you?

    lol.. your a dumbfuck end game.. doesnt mean... the game is ending you dickhead