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About corking

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. how did you fix this? i got this problem right noiw
  2. up , klinten screwed me over stil looking
  3. corking

    Forming a new group/clan

    Skype : corking19 - Have all thats required, much knowledge about the game should add me asap
  4. corking

    [DKz] Is looking for 2 players more

    Dont fall for this, they stole my equipment yesterday they ask if you come on their server to to them, then they checking your gear out, killing you and kicking you from their server + remove from skype, little kids
  5. talk to me on skype then
  6. corking

    Want a squad? Why not join us!

    name : Corking age : 26 location : Holland Skype Name corking19 Level of Maturity (1-10): 9 Level of Knowledge (1-10) 15 Level of Skill (1-10): 9 1/2
  7. corking

    Counter-Clan Strike Force: Recruitment

    im in, i can play most of the time, gimme a call corkingx on steam / corking19 on skype
  8. corking

    [DKz] Is looking for 2 players more

    im in add me on skype ; corking19
  9. Hi all, im currently looking for an active and hardcore DayZ team That plays everyday together via voice chat communication, Im well geared and i have my camps scattered around some servers. Im really looking for that Soldier/commander experience, 1 guy that sends others, like in real combat. Im a listener and also a leader, so just check in what you want me todo and i can do it. am 26 years old from holland. add me skype / corking19 xfire / Corking Steam / Corkingx
  10. hi all i was wondering where i can put on when someone talks, that you see his name! this to prevent ppl from spamming the voice chat channel ive been on a server once and it displayed names when someone was talking i know in the config.arma2profile veteran settings it says vonid 1 class Veteran { class Flags { Armor=1; FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=0; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=0; WeaponCursor=1; AutoAim=0; AutoGuideAT=0; 3rdPersonView=1; ClockIndicator=0; Map=0; Tracers=1; AutoSpot=0; UltraAI=0; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1;
  11. corking

    US153 Hacker video proof.

    this was an awesome watch, if you where to make the video better, you should have gone in the boat, bit sad you didnt, always fun to encounter that stuff, haha
  12. and what line am i searching for further if you can help when someone speaks i cant see who it is, this is very innoing and deathmessages doesnt seem to work as wel how come?
  13. corking

    Death Message not showing?

    i did that, how can i asure the config file is reading properly?