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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hello i have been having some occasional fps lag problems every now and then, and i know from other people that im not alone in this. Before you say "arma 2 is very hard on your system/cpu", alot of people have really good rigs and are still getting lag, it is most likely some kinda glitch or bad code. But in this thread i want to try and find a workaround to improve the FPS, instead of just giving up at "its a very demanding game". I will try to provide as much information as possible, so we can avoid alot of pointless questioning and answering. My Rig: Motherboard: ASUS Sabertooth X58 PSU: Corsair CMPSU-850HXEU CPU: Intel® Core i7 960 3,2 ghz GPU: ASUS Geforce GTX560 Ti DirectCUII Top Overglocked HDD: Seagate 1,5TB ( 7200 RPM i think) RAM: Corsair 16GB DDR 1600 Mhz OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Of course GPU Drivers are always up to date. I run and update date through Six Software (launcher and updater) It seems it doesnt really matter what kind of setting i run the game on (only exceptions are post processing is turned off and HDR is on Normal). If i do all the textures and shadows and everything on very high it will lag all the same as when i turn it all to low. The funny thing is that it only really lags in the cities and occasionally in big fieldds. Otherwise it runs smoothly at very high, but usually its the area's where ur likely to get some action, like starry sobor and cherno /elektro or the NW airfield where i lag a whole lot, so much that i tend to just logoff cause if i meet a player with that lag i wont be able to even fire an accurate shot. so before i see anyone i just run off and logoff(this also seems to fix it sometimes.) Another scenario is that im in cherno or a major place and its starts lagging i logoff and restart my pc and login again and its runs smoothly on whatever settings i want, but slowly it looses fps and after about an hour its just as laggy as it was before. Anyway i dont know what i should do to try and fix this. Thanks to anyone who come with constructive and positive responses. Pointless responses that doesnt really add anything to the thread is frowned upon :( I apologize for grammatical and spelling mistakes/errors Much of the information below is something i found other places and just rewrote or straight out copied into the thread Improvement Tips (i update this when i find something new): Sometimes, it is not your computers fault. some server are not regularly restarted, which can result in lag and fps issues for everyone - Turn Post-Processing Off - Turn Anti-antialiasing and anisotropic filtering to Low - Set Video memory to defualt if your graphics har has more than 512 mb memory Launch Options: There is an "Options" link in the bottom left hand side of Six Launche -exThreads=7 Ensures that ARMA 2 uses # amount of CPU threads, where # is the number of extra threads you want to devote to the game. Note: A CPU thread is equal to one processor core. So if you have a Quad Core AMD, you could put "3" as your #. If you have an i5/i7 quad with hyperthreading, you can put "7" as your #. ~Snoozles
  2. - Name (in game, e.g. Panda) Snoozles - Location (in real life, e.g. England) Denmark - GUID (please note your GUID is case sensitive, triple check it for any errors before posting) 66c2272800f2ef3f1dbc8c3cb54e2134 - Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 Im tired of all the hacker that seem to have infested the non whitelist servers, its very boring to be killed by a hacker or the fact that people are spawning or duping stuff... It really removes the value of items and makes it feel pointless finding good stuff since hackers or some people will just spawn it as they please Oh and also, some hacker once tried to do something to me(not sure what), but they server said i was hacking and when i logged back in another day all my stuff was gone, legit picked up from dead people stuff.
  3. You want to set your texture details to low(the one above video memory) and video memory to defualt
  4. It seems the repair requirement and what you can repair on a chopper has changed, how much do you need of what things to repair what to get it flying? Also i heard that there is only 1 chopper per server now
  5. So u dont need a main rotor? and are u sure thats all u need to completely repair it?? we tried repairing it all now and we cant get it to work (we only need to try fuel and windscreen) also is the windscreen needed to make everything green ?
  6. Im glad you guys like it :D and yes my friend even said "oh you unlucky fucker" " it hurts to watch it"
  7. Wasent there a commands to tell the game how many hyper threads to use? just set it to the amount of cores or something and it might just use the physical cores and leave the other virtual cores alone ?? i believe its -exThreads=7 make it =4 ofc
  8. When are they coming back, are they coming back?
  9. So yesterday i killed a guy on a rooftop with some neat gear, seems legit enough except for the PDW SD that he's carrying, i believe it cannot be a legit weapon and therefore hacked. I didnt have time to investigate when i picked it up since i was in the middle of a battlezone, so my question is (because i heard alot of people talking about it) that you can get banned for using weapons picked up from another player which are hacked, even if you dont know? and if yes who makes that desicion? or is it automatic? I had to logout with it in a forest (Exfiltrating from cherno), and logged off due to lag + some thing to do. Now its soon time go get back in again and im worried that im in the dangerzone on this Thanks for positive responses :)
  10. Still looking for a solution that fixes that lag
  11. True but im from EU so i would lag terribly there probably
  12. It sounds like something i've experienced. Unfortunately no idea how to fix it
  13. That would actully make alot of sense, since the more objects the game have to load spend rescources on the more demanding the game is. If the game is incapable of removing objects from the game again, then the need of rescources is just going to build up continously, until a point where the game should actully crash. Its the same problem i've had with some flash games i've been programming. If u keep adding AI's and strings of code but nothing removes it then the requirements just keep rising live :( Could also be something else, lets hope someone can figure it out for us :P
  14. How far can people hear you on direct comms? Also i heard there's a program/s to play sounds directly into direct comms, anyone know such a program?
  15. Thanks for actully answering the question Caz instead posting useless comments like the rest :) you have ma beans! Still looking for program though
  16. How far away can people hear you on direct coms?
  17. What makes you so sure that its the little boys who are bandits? im pretty sure most of the adults (why do u even split it into kids and adults it doesnt matter atall lol) are bandits or semi murderes whereas the children run around and wanna be ur friend