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About KyrieLucas

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I tend to agree that the zombies should absolutely not, under any curcumstances, ever be able to sprint. I grew up with the slow moving masses in games like Resident Evil, and that certainly has a far dearer attraction to me than Left4Dead style zombies, but that's not actually why I think these zombies should, at the fastest, job slowly towards the player. No, the real reason is that they are WAY TOO OP; they were ridiculously annoying in Left4Dead, and they're ridiculously annoying now. 90% of the zombies I ever see actually run AWAY from me, then do a u-turn and chase me down to maul my face. There is no possibility of running away from these damn things (unless you have a building nearby and then it's all fine and dandy, maybe. depending if the stars align and there's an butterfly nearby and you're wearing the colour blue; my point here is that the tracking for the zombies is incredibly broken and unpredictable). Since you no longer start with any sort of weapon (awesome decision), and for SOME reason you can't punch or kick, the combination of being 100% defenseless and being completely incapable of running away from zombies means that if a zombie spots you (ALSO a very broken and unpredictable event) before you manage to find a weapon then it's time for you to give up and start over. I suppose you could exploit corners or docks to get the zombies to lose you, then bandage yourself up, then slink away and try to find a weapon again, but as soon as you run out of bandages (read: after the first zombie attack, assuming you survive that) you are completely fucked. You WILL die the second time you get attacked simply through bleeding out. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but the zombies being impossible to outrun makes the beginning (when you have no equipment to deal with zombies) way too difficult. Plus they're not really scary when they're all up in your face, they're more just annoying. They give you absolutely no time at all to put bullets into them before they're causing you to bleed and forcing you to use up more bandages. You're pretty much forced to take damage in every encounter until you have a decently ranged weapon, which makes it pretty much impossible to ever live long enough to get that decently ranged weapon. I can understand how difficulty makes this more entertaining, believe me, but having such a ridiculously steep difficulty curve does not.