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makke (DayZ)

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About makke (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. makke (DayZ)

    Warped to Debug Area: 'Wilderness'

    I have tried about 5-6 servers now. Everytime I have to wait around 15mins to load and then I spawn in debug forest without gear and usually can't move until I press respawn. Then I'm still at the forest without gear, but can move. What to do?
  2. makke (DayZ)

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    It would be beyond amazing if you would get your hands on this and other music from 28dayslater/28weekslater. :)
  3. makke (DayZ)

    [EU][FIN] Finnish ARMA Guys

    Kun olen vähän vielä harjoitellut peliä laitan hakemusta tulemaan :)
  4. I love the amount of zombies. Only thing I request is to make zombies 25% slower. Too fast because of the lag.