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Galen Cox

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About Galen Cox

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  1. Galen Cox

    Good First Life! And a great game!

    Welcome Survivor :) You can try to Alt-Tab out of the Loading-Screen (after you have waited 2-5 minutes, without getting anywhere) and use your DayZCommander (i hope you use him?) to login to a server, of which you know it works. Upon the question of "Close other Arma 2" - say NO, until you put a Foot on Chermarus on the working server. Then you can (and should) Alt-Tab again, and close the first instance of Arma 2. That solved my problem, with the Beach-Backwarp. Happy Hunting!
  2. I rather would use DayZCommander then Six Launcher, its faster and easier and sometimes Six Launcher don't really upgrade, or downgrade. Also, for Updating Battle-Eye, it is better to visit the BattleEye Homepage (http://www.battleye.com/) and download the latest .DLL. Put that in your your_drive/your_programs/your_steam/common/steamapps/your_arma2oparrow/expansion/battleeye/. Happy Hunting!
  3. Same problem. Spawned nowhere with nothing, Stats oK. Had no Ghillie, no NVG but the rest pretty cool stuff. After that i reconnected and suddenly i'm on the Beach with an empty Inventory. Tried the "walk to the last location" to get my "corpse" - but nothing there. A really nasty bug.
  4. Galen Cox

    can't place tent :/

    Its tricky. Just move a littlebit to the left or right or front orback, really only a littlebit. Everytime you moved, use the Tent until it is done. Good luck
  5. Ever played on a night server? To see a light, miles away, not to know... I think that would benefit the atmosphere at night. And as i said, not all Zeds. If there are 25 Zeds in a village, let it be 1 or 3 guys, maybe sometimes not a single one. Maybe they drop their stuff ( so no extra loot) when they chase you, maybe they didn't. Getting hunted at night, with a bunch of Zed's and one of them lightning the area up, i can imagine that is a hell of a ride. Maybe someone wants to approach the zed with te light "Hey, you, i'm friendly!" only to see that it was the wrong decision to walk up on him.
  6. Hm okay - but Zombies are real? :) I think in all Romero Movies, where our beloved friends, the Zeds, truly are at home - there are some Zed individuals who carry on somehow in their past lives, even without knowing, that they do. They carry axes, holding guns - only because of a feeling, that this is right. So maybe a Zed roams thru the Street and see's something shiny - didn't know what todo with it, picks it up not realy knowing why or for what. Lost memories, muscle memories. Maybe the Zed drops the flashlight, when he goes at fullspeed ambushing you. "Lights go out, Zombie incoming" ... Would be some nice suprise. Don't ya think?
  7. Heya, why not give some (not all) Zeds something in their hand. A Crowbar, a Hatchet - whatever that Zed maybe used in their previous lives. Especially here and there a flashlight would be fun. The lightshow at night, in citys or the countryside from roaming Zed's would be very freaky. Making the life of a new survivor in chernarus a bit easier, because not every light, that is shown, is a player at all. Maybe more players would play at night, not only the ones who know everything or got NVGs on. Any1 else with me on this one? /salute
  8. Galen Cox

    Sixth Sense

    Well, i don't want to burst your bubble, but this is a Game, right? Or did you plan on uninstalling the game, right after you died? I like DayZ very much, especialy because it is on some level very realistic. A Sixth Sense is also realistic. As i said, i don't want a "PopUp on Radar, pointing the direction"-kind of Sense. I even don't say, that the guy in the mountain 2 miles away just triggers your senses. To be honest - if there wasn't the mentality to shoot everything on sight in this mod (but it is), even on guys who don't have a Weapon in his hand ("Omg! He has the a FLASHLIGHT! I need to kill him! ASAP!"), i wouldn't ask for that. As i don't won't to punish people, that want to play this game like a Deathmatch. Bandits are cool and needed in this scenario - but Deathmatch murders ruins it. Well, at least in my opinion.
  9. Galen Cox

    Sixth Sense

    I don't want a Pinpoint to the guy, who is aiming at you, only some kind of icon color chaning, that someone is watching you. Ever played World of Tanks? There is a skill with the same name, and as for a Scout in this Game, this Skill a must. Because you sit in a Bush and see Tanks driving at you, not knowing if they have seen u yet or not. The more Skilled-Guy (u don't get the Sixth Sense skill thrown at you - you have to earn it) in the Tank, tells you via a visual Icon "Someone just spotted you". @KnT47r: Any reason why? Whats your problem? The "your sense something" thing, or that Bandits getting some kind of "punishment"? Wasn't there in earlier Versions some kind of "Humanity"-Level in this Mod? In this current state, the Mods gets more and more Deathmatch PvP, nobody just cares about the Zombies as soon as they get a weapon. That saddens me.
  10. Galen Cox

    Sixth Sense

    I had the same idea... But how about, that every player starts with a "Sixth Sense" of 100% (200-300yards maybe) and is gona lose this Sense by 50% for every Murder he does. Gaining it back for 50% if he kills an Bandit. As for the logic: All that killing, makes them mental. As for killing Bandits you regain that. I think that would even the odds a bit, for the survivors, who don't try to kill anything on sight. /salute
  11. Galen Cox

    BattleClient failed to initialize (then kicked)

    Had the same problem, that helped: Uninstalled BattleEye (All Programs/Bohemia/Arma OA/BattleEye/Uninstall) Reinstalled BattleEye thru Steam and last but not least:http://www.battleye.com/downloads/arma2/BEClient.dll Replaced my *.dll with the downloaded one in YourHardDrive:\PathToYourArma2OA\Expansion\BattleEye Maybe the DLL only is enough - anyway, i can look for beans again. Good Luck, have Fun!