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Everything posted by KenobiDK

  1. KenobiDK

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    I cant figure out simple sarcasm, so I choose to follow the crowd and call your a so called newbie and flame you for not knowing how to play the game. To make my statement clear, I also mention that this game is based on zombies. On a more serious note, removing heights will make alot of sense, in Denmark everything is very flat, so it is very hard for me to take this game seriously and its a bad attempt to make anything realistic.
  2. KenobiDK

    Trading for a SVD camo

    I have 17 friends with 3 DMRs EACH watching my back...and im not even playing!
  3. KenobiDK

    Discuss: Your Spawning Strategy

    I usually just sprint into either cherno or elektro, raid firestation, hospital and apartments. Just loose aggro of zombies between buildings or in buildings. Then i go north and raid deer stands and supermarkeds on my way to airfield, where i usually come to my end :P
  4. I had no problem with my suit yesterday. Drove a bus, logged in and out and remained the same place.
  5. Hey Guys, Had a fun day with 2 friends, found a loaded bus, found a tractor, placed some tents, raided supermarkets, gas stations, generally had a lot of fun. Then we went to the NW airfield, parked our bus and a tent and went for the airfield. Raided the stuff with much excitement and fun, covering each other, having powerful weapons helped alot. Our next mission was to raid the other part of the airfield, we started in the most NW corner barracks, tower and firestation. We go back to the nearby ATV spot and find it intact, except for 2 wheels, so we fix it up with parts from gathered runs, 2 guys sits on it, all green parts, and it randomly explodes, leaving both at 3k hp, bleeding uncon, i fix them up with blood transfusions and epi pens, and we're lucky to still be alive. Minor bug, lots of laughing still. We then go for the bus again and tent, and want to move to the SE part of the airfield. When suddenly one of our guys randomly dies inside the bus. Not so much fun, but we get his eq, store it in the bus, and go to pick him up at the coast. We get over halfway there, in the same town he has gotten to. I teleport back to the NW airfield, the bus teleports into a barn, looses all wheels and my other friend dies. I try to head down towards them both, maybe i can find some wheels and we're still good to go. Zombies spawns all around me in the towns, aggroes from MILES away, i use up 3 bandages and 1 morphine within 5 zombie attacks. I then decide to play it safe and start sniping them from long ranges, since i cant pass them like i usually do. I start sniping constantly checking my 6, when suddenly 4 zombies is attacking me, some kind of random spawn, i go uncon and die. I know this is an alpha game, and believe me, we had a session of 10-11 hours of massive fun and adrenaline rushes, but it all aruptly ended with sadly some massive bugs and weird teleports. Im not sure we pick it up again tomorrow, it was alot of fighting today, just to reset to zero because of bugs, id rather be killed by camping snipers somewhere. This might be a warning to some, and might be some known issues to others. Just know, this game can be so much fun, and sadly so frustrating as well. My biggest issues was a guy dying phrone on a rock, random exploding ATV, random teleports, random death in a bus, and zombies spawning out of nowhere on top of me, making me bleed, uncon, breaking my stuff. I stood up in all the fights as soon as i saw a zombie had spotted me. And zombies just spotted us miles and miles away, even though we were being silent and crouching along. Bright side is, we got a broken down bus with gear in, 2 semi filled tents and a semi safe traktor. Question is if we want to continue, or wait a few patches. Sorry for the long post, google a potato if necessary.
  6. And at the moment i get zombies aggroing from everywhere, even when sitting completely still. Just died being phrone near the coast and a zombie came running from line of sight directly and attacked me. No idea whats going on
  7. Im sure we're going to have fun again. I would rather have been swarmed, sniped, shot, rather than die from bugs. Id rather go down in a firefight or just die from someone outsmarting me.
  8. I must say that this seems very efficient and cool with a decent group of players. But jesus it removes all purpose of the game. Might as well play the call of duty zombie mod, kill players and zombies alike with all the guns you need. I cant judge people on how they want to play games, but these removes all purpose of playing this game. We're a few guys rolling with a posse as well, and we're never done anything like that, seems boring and slightly exploitable. We roll through bigger cities and NW airfield instead in our bus, yeah we attract a crowd, but thats part of the excitement. But the tips about how the loot spawn and how zombies spawn are very nice, been wondering that ourselves.
  9. Fuck it, we'll give it another go