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Zheiko (DayZ)

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About Zheiko (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Zheiko (DayZ)

    Bandit system idea.

    I dont see why to put that in there then, if bandits still have the option to change their appearance anyways? Is it just me who cannot see any logic in this?
  2. Zheiko (DayZ)

    Bandit system idea.

    And, to backup my post - even without those skins, I have been able to find a friends I am playing with, and just because I did not shoot them on sight... the game is more interesting this way
  3. Zheiko (DayZ)

    Bandit system idea.

    no, this was in game before, and did not work - and will never work - the way it is now, its the only way it should work, and ever will... and as the game will go more further, I believe that more and more kinds of 'clothing' will be available to be found, therefore it will be harder then to know, who is who, because it wont make difference....
  4. Joppus: Found two ghillie suits in the residential building, which looks like restaurant/pub in Cherno, close to church. then another one found in one of the residential buildings in Novy Sobor
  5. Never seen that happening, but yes, I got two ghillie suits just in one building down in cherno... and yesterday in stary sobor, I found in one building one ghilie and one camo suit
  6. Two Ghillie suits in one building?
  7. Zheiko (DayZ)

    please do not abuse my tents :(

    Yup, if I find a tent, I just take what I need, hoping that the owner wont notice, or will think its bug, rather than knowing someone found its possition - its brilliant place to reequip for me, I know where it is, and I know I always find there most of what I need, trying to take really only what I need...
  8. When you see empty ruins of a building, and first thing that comes to your mind is that there might be good o' Winchester rifle...
  9. Zheiko (DayZ)

    The first time a zed hits you......

    I was standing yesterday and shooting two zeds, got about 10 hits and no bleeding... then later, when I had no bandages, I got hit once and started bleeding...
  10. Zheiko (DayZ)

    Look what my friend Zheiko gave me

    Your welcome sis:D
  11. Zheiko (DayZ)

    My longest life

    I never got attached to my items, really, its just the sweet taste of luck, that soon changes into bitter taste of 'WHAT THE F***' :D I just laugh at it:D You know, if I lost it because some bandit shot me, or a zombie killed me some terrible way, fair enough, but just because server crashes down? Funny as hell:D
  12. Zheiko (DayZ)

    My longest life

    Not as bad as mine, remember:D over 100 kills, almost 5 days alive, had pretty much everything that I needed, and then, when I want to change settings, I accidentally hit respawn... (before last patch) and commit brave suicide... But thats not the end of it, so I run to get the body, pick everything up, get to NW Airfield, to fall down the stairs, and kill myself immediately - with my body even disappearing under ground, so no chance of getting it back... And then another day, new character, I find TWO ghilli(or whatever its spelled) suits, just to find out, they do not work on female character... no problem I say to myself, holding one for a friend, second for me, we go out from cherno, so he can kill me and I can respawn with male character and pick it up... after I die - server crashed... so I lost my weapon+1 ghilli suit, friend got second one already... now, this is what I call a luck!
  13. Zheiko (DayZ)

    Performance decreases over time

    Oh, that explains, why I never see any difference in it... I hope they could set even postprocess effects to be serverside - so someone plays HC with blurred vision with less than 5000blood, and some just turn it off...
  14. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Steam *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: Latest, 1.62 build 95310 *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Sixupdater, sometimes Steam *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: After certain amount of time, performance of game is decreasing rapidly. Usually after loging into game, I have over 65fps, after 30+minutes of playing, I get down to 25-30fps. Now we are talking about SAME location - AND after restarting the game(shutting it down completely, and logging back into server) I get about 60+ fps again. Tried disabling all unneeded applications on backround, also as overclocking my CPU, but this is still happening. After a while, FPS just drops and I have to relog - while playing alone, I would not mind, but when I meet up with friends, its really annoying to tell them every 30mins to wait that I have to restart game, because on 25-30fps, there is this input lag issue with mouse, which makes it impossible to aim precisely. If this input lag could be resolved by changing some settings/configs, I would not mind about playing with 30fps - I want to add that I have disabled mouse smoothing, which made it little better, but still not perfect. I believe this is the CPU limitation - since changing graphical settings in game has no impact whatsoever and once I get down to 30fps I can change whatever I want and it wont change(from very high on everything, to disabled/very low on everything), that makes me believe, the bottlecap is CPU, see specifications below. *Your PC specs: *Your Operating System: Windows 7 x64
  15. Zheiko (DayZ)

    Is Rocket...

    I dont think its that BLACK or WHITE, it is something between, and Rocket knows exactly where to go... he is still gonna make his game, that he decides whats gonna be there and what not, but at the same time, I guess he will be affected by community saying, 'we want this and we want that' and its up to him then, whether he picks its good idea or not...