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Posts posted by Croft70

  1. well, i am going to give another try, and i hope i can find myself in the map. thanks :3

    About finding which direction to go, you can observe the sun bearing in mind it rises in the east and sets in the west, as long as you know what timezone your server is in you don't need a watch. So if its before midday the direction the sun is, is east, after midday it's west. Also the night sky is accurate, so you can locate the north star. But I understand that may be difficult/impossible depending on your personal skill with it, so a easy but less precise way. Watch where you first spawn, if it is says any spawn location, except three valleys, eg Kamenka, Electro, then put your back to the coast the way you are facing is now north. If you spawn at three valleys put your back to the coast you are now facing west ( as it is on the east coast).

    To easily loose zombies do this; Run through any dense bushy area and make sure you put 2 pieces of cover, Ie bushes trees, between you and the zombie after you get through the second piece, crouch and walk slowly away. The first bush breaks line of sight, the second bush stops the zombie reacquiring line of sight when it bursts through, and by crouch walking the zombie won't be able to hear you. If you carry on sprinting as is probably instinct it will quickly find you again.

    I would recommend avoiding towns, and instead hitting barns/deer-stands to start, at least until you have some means to protect yourself. When in towns, try to keep 15m from zombies. If you double tap - on the numpad it will zoom out slightly, giving you an increased field of view which can be vital to spot zombies in towns. Also keep an eye on the blurry white dots on the side of the screen, these simulate "peripheral vision" due to a monitor inherently limited FOV. Also never, ever walk anywhere there even may be a zombie, or player to a certain extent. If you crouch walk/run it is slower but will decrease the chance of something spotting you.

    A few tips for your inevitable PvP encounter as well. Always try to stay in the tree lines, hedgerows when out in the country side and move slowly in towns peaking round corners, that will reduce the chance of someone spotting you. If you have to cover open ground, sprint and zigzag erratically, also if someone shoots at you do this. If you stop even for a second, or god forbid lie down they will kill you. But hitting a fast randomly moving target at range is going to be more difficult for them and you will be more likely to get out alive.And if you ever get in a team, make sure you are not all bunched up, spread out and don't walk in a single column. All watch different directions. And it only takes one person to loot a building, 2 at most for larger ones, so get the others to watch different angles. I can't tell you how many times I have wiped a team out easily because they all stand close together and don't watch more than one direction, or because they all crammed into a tiny building. The phrase "Shooting fish in a barrel" comes to mind.

    There tips for nearly every situation. The rest will come with experience. Good luck.

    thanks, i didnt know about losing zombies that way.

  2. Took me a while to learn to use the Flashlight too (-_-)

    You press G to go to your inventory and it should be in a small slot at the very bottom, right-click it and select "remove from toolbelt" this will take it to the sidearm slot that has a pistol picture in it when nothing is there (it's the larder box above where your Flashlight was earlier) then go off your inventory (Esc or G again) and it should be in your hand, then press L to turn it on and off. I heard it only works at night time though and cannot be used as a weapon :(

    oh, i managed to put in my hand but could turn it on, thanks.

    I know i have to play slow and hide, but i cant enter in a house with 4 zombies around it, even if i go prone they are waiting near the door.

  3. Hi, i heard about dayz some time ago and wanted to try it.

    Everything is ok, but since i got killed in my first live i went to read some guides, the thing is everyone says that i should start with a gun.

    I only spawn with a flashlight (And i dont even know how to use it) one painkiller and one bendage, i read that they changed the spawn and now you dont spawn with a gun.

    Thats ok, but how i am supposed to do if i everutime i find something to loot it have 4-5 zombies around and i dont have nothing to kill them...

    So the game is running marathon to me...

    I know this may be asked hundreds of time, but i didint find any guide that tell me how should i get my first gun, and sorry for the awful english... :_3
