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Everything posted by richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

  1. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    This loading times..

    load times have always been long......... but if it's rediculously long then then server is probably a different version.
  2. I'm not a fan of non-hive but good to see people trying things out like this. I don't think your hardware will cope though :) Good luck.......... and prove me wrong my brother I will see if I can make it on.
  3. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    streaming some dayz

    just checked your VOD's and the quality is great. But those overlays have to go. I know somewhere there is a page of template overlays that you can download but I can't remember where. The overlay over the debug monitor must go first of all...... people will have epileptic fits :) The Daffy2009 overlay needs to be alot smaller and inconspicuous. The American flag is ok, most people however, have there stream chat showing there which tends to be the preferred method. Check this out for a simple good looking overlay to download that you can use. It's the first one I found whilst googling. Your aspect ratio will need to be correct to complement it. And obviously you can imporrt it to Photoshop for example and add your own personality to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV1TFDzdKYg
  4. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    streaming some dayz

    Once you have all your settings sorted out you'll be good to go. Your debug monitor etc needs to be smaller. Adn you also need to add an overlay for when you bring up your backpack inventory as it shows your name. Zombies killed and zombies alive also needs covering up. You have an amazing upload/download speed, if you have a powerful PC as well, you can really ramp up your quality I know your still sorting things out, but any advice is good advice eh - I'm an avid twitch viewer, especially the dayz streamers. Also, if you want to be a popular streamer you must talk to your viewers constantly and read the chat. New viewers will first look at the quality, then they will check out if you actually interact with viewers.
  5. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    What do you guys do?

    Play on lower population servers. Bare in mind that pretty much all servers will get these kids at some stage, just leave, take a break or find another server when it happens. Edit: in response to Subtex post............. I also have never seen any hacking either when I've been online. My time will come though I'm sure.
  6. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    This probably comes off pretty scrubby

    Erm, it tells you in the debug monitor in the top right of the screen.
  7. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Car wheel stuck in the ground...

    Here comes my silly question........Have you tried getting another wheel and repairing it.
  8. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    streaming some dayz

    I'm sure if I search the entire interwebnetz I'll find your stream :D Seriously though, where is it? :rolleyes:
  9. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    banned in es10

    lol ok. I stand by my comment, I don't think that is proof of anything. It could be a server admin misunderstanding the logs. I'm not a server admin though, so I'm not going to pretend i know anything about this at all. Maybe some actual server admins can come and have their say on it.
  10. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Hey I got a problem with lag if anybody can help

    agree, dont upgrade that laptop, that will be throwing money away. I don't know your money situation, do you have a job? at school? etc............ You need to save up a good amount of money. And then spend a lot of time researching what to buy, don't just jump straight in. Asking advice on forums like you are doing is the best way to go about it.
  11. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    banned in es10

    From some quick googling, that line alone doesnt appear to be script to spawn anything. But you mention '3 lines of script'........ what's the rest?
  12. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Can't open the six updater or Dayz commander

    You may need to run them both with administrator rights. Try that first. 'Right click shortcut, run as administrator' Sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs! Edit: I've also found this is you are running Windows XP 1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. 2. Click Appearance and Themes. 3. Click Display. 4. On the Settings tab, click Advanced. 5. On the Troubleshoot tab, move the Hardware acceleration slider control to the third position (from the left), and then click OK.
  13. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Hey I got a problem with lag if anybody can help

    Your processor and video card (or lack of) are going to be the drawback. Laptops are not for gaming as you may already know. You need to buy a gaming PC. The only thing that you can really do is keep lowering the ingame video settings to the lowest possible, even then you will probably get lag I'm afraid.
  14. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    The #1 problem that Day Z is facing today

    A vast percentage of this forum is people critisising a game in alpha instead of reporting issues. There is a huge difference in how you can go about making a post (and often in forums they can be misinterpreted). Remember we are testers, basically. If you find a bug, glitch or anything thats hindering gameplay, you report it. The original OP in my opinion was just stating an issue, requesting constructive criticism..... and he gets lambasted. People have a right to discuss issues with the game. I'm going to use a word now that I hate, but some people need to 'chillax' more.
  15. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Loot Damage! Making you think more before PlayerKilling

    Now that is very interesting. If you have a certain humanity level, then the agro range increases vastly. I like this idea very much.
  16. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Two choppers per server

    agree 100%, and they should be in random spawn locations (like the crashed helis). This will probably come in time anyway I would imagine.
  17. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Bring in an autorun!!!

    I would agree with this. toggle the numlock is a good idea. Gives no advantage whatsoever, just make sense....... plus less risk of RSI.
  18. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    3rd person view..?

    I've seen quite a few servers false advertise to pull in the players. Next time you die, try a new life on a first person server....... its very submersive. You may begin to enjoy it. (but turn off headbob in your options tho)
  19. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    Exactly. Instead of the OP moaning, just take advantage. It's the quickest way to gear up. And at that point, I bet the OP would do exactly the same thing.
  20. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Best glitch ever. TP

    you sir, are not getting any beans for these actions
  21. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Hacker on ... US 1194 ... *with Video*

    "I was looking for a motorcycle or bus in cherno... well i was headed there for one and i decided to scout to make sure there was no one around" You were trying to do all that with a broken leg? Brave soldier. Not hacks, man up, respawn and start again.
  22. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Live Stream being hacked

    get a room brohug it out
  23. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    US750 Kicking Players without cause

    This server better be blacklisted, and quick.
  24. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Looking for PVP/bandits from EU

    This sounds interesting, similar situation to myself. I've just started playing, I'm 37 or 38 (I forget!) I'm in the UK and play in the evenings. Have a mic so good to go. Bored already of playing with myself (giggity) ----- I'm mature dammit! My steam is : Bodser Just a quick edit: if anyone has bans on record in Steam, I will not add you.