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About [email protected]

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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. or maybe you need to clear your server filter, just an idea
  2. Give exact error messages and I may help.
  3. But you can still play I asume.. If so, It's normal, dont worry about it. Oops, just read your post fully. Sorry, I guess you can't play. Have you configured your shortcut to something like this.... "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@dayz;@NC -skipintro MAy help, not sure. I don't play that map
  4. Understandable. Your not trying to live stream or Fraps at the same time are you? Nothing else running at the same time? Also, sadly, that processor might just not be enough for this game. Sad but true at the moment.
  5. Why must I do all the work!!! :) you are missing files in the addons folder (dont ask me how though) These are what I have. If I delete one of those 'bisign' files I get the same error messages you get. dayz.pbo dayz.pbo.dayz.bisign dayz_anim.pbo dayz_anim.pbo.dayz.bisign dayz_code.pbo dayz_code.pbo.dayz.bisign dayz_equip.pbo dayz_equip.pbo.dayz.bisign dayz_ext.pbo.dayz.bisign dayz_sfx.pbo dayz_sfx.pbo.dayz.bisign dayz_vehicles.pbo dayz_vehicles.pbo.dayz.bisign dayz_weapons.pbo dayz_weapons.pbo.dayz.bisign When you download the latest version of Dayz, those files are in there, but they are not in your folder. Put them in. Get the latest version from here - http://uk1.dayz.nu/latest/ Ignore Dayz commander for now. *now I await Rocket to give me a job in technical support*
  6. playing on servers with 1 ping!!! damn lol Seriously though...... It sounds like you've made so many changes to both game and system that the only advice I would suggest is reinstalling Vista (if thats all you have) from scratch. Everyone knows Dayz has bad performance issues, your not the only one.... should be resolved with the standalone. But if you havn't got much to backup, I would reformat and start again so that you have just the OS and game installed. (get Windows 7 for the love of *insert deity here*) You could have a crap load of processes running that isn't helping, I don't know. Oh, and I asume you turned off post processing.
  7. All I can think of is that they are using DayZ Commander. Apparently there are sometimes issues entering passwords in DayzC. Or caps lock is on (if this is the case, punch them in the arm)
  8. Don't bother sir, we can do without your sort. Once a cheat......................
  9. Bugs i can accept, that's perfectly fine. Dieing because of bugs... yep fine, it's Alpha. But the rampant hacking/scripting is just unrelenting. I don't mind gearing up again that's fun, If I die by player death or bug...... but not scripters. At the moment it just feels like this mod (in its current state) has just been left to die now. All concentration is being put on the standalone. It won't stop me playing though, it's too bloody addictive.
  10. as Intensity says really... There would be passworded servers that just have for example..... the coastline littered with tents with loads of loot which they would jump on to arm themselves then go onto other servers fully equipped all the time. Call it paranoia, but it would happen.
  11. I would completely uninstall the game and remove any registry keys associated with ARMA. Then redownload from your steam account. Your friends cd key is probably still in your registry.
  12. You can't do that I'm afraid. It would mean you are both trying to use the same game key. So only one could connect at the same time. you need to buy your own copy.
  13. richard.boddy@ntlworld.com

    Banned from DE 2007

    If you did nothing wrong then just forget about it, your better off never playing on that server again if the admins are jerks. Sure you've lost some kit, but gear up and find a home on another server. Even if they let you back in again, just leave it alone.
  14. Ah interesting. that's always annoyed me. Going into a forest and suddenly all the ground goes really bright! what? I'll try with HDR off. see what happens.