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Jasper (DayZ)

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About Jasper (DayZ)

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  1. Jasper (DayZ)

    Gender errors

  2. I usually play on my macbook pro resting on my lap while i'm in bed :) i used to be a hardcore gamer with the duel screen setup etc but a fast laptop is much more efficient and comfy :)
  3. Jasper (DayZ)

    My own story thread?

    We have a bandit story section, but not a normal player story section. Maybe make a suggestion for one?
  4. Jasper (DayZ)

    Compass Icon Appeared!!!

    This happened to me also, completely randomly.
  5. Jasper (DayZ)

    MERGED: Everything poop and pee

    I actually just burst out laughing :D I would love to see these features implemented for sheer comedic value ;)
  6. Jasper (DayZ)

    Hunger/Thirst overhaul

    It seems there is quite an emphasis on realism within the DayZ universe. 24 hour day/night cycles, broken bones, fatigue, hunger, thirst etc. Such an emphasis on realism would imply these features would actually be realistic, right? I think not, at least not yet. In reality, one could survive at least 3 days without water, a month without food. In DayZ, you couldn't survive anymore than a few hours before blood starts myraculously squirting out of your body and your character dies a painful death. This isn't realistic! I suggest that the hunger/thirst system is revamped at some point during development. Perhaps making it a little more realistic. For example, thirst should last half a day before seeing effects, hunger should last 6 hours before we suffer fatigue. Maybe make the hunger/thirst level depletion relative to player activity/time running etc. Anyone else share the same thoughts?
  7. Jasper (DayZ)

    Something i noticed..

    You're right, well spotted. I can join US servers in only a few seconds, but all the EU servers take ages. Most of the time I quit because it takes so long!
  8. Jasper (DayZ)

    Saving / Spawning issue

    I believe this is a glitch. It happens to me too :( Just hold out till the next patch and hope it is fixed :)
  9. Jasper (DayZ)

    I really like DayZ, but...

    I'd have to disagree. Leaning round corners is incredibly easy, and entering vehicles uses the most used menu in the game (mouse wheel scroll). I bet most of these new players never play on vanilla Arma 2 or any of the other servers. If DayZ has done anything, it is good for the Arma community. Introducing a needed boost to the player count.
  10. Jasper (DayZ)

    How do you Pronounce the name?

    Rocket himself said it was pronounced "Day Zee". Here in the UK we say "zed", though.
  11. I haven't seen another thread related to this issue so I thought I'd make one. I keep teleporting back to the shore when I log in. This could be related to the food and drink draining while I'm offline. This is becoming quite a large problem for me. I'm afraid to log in now because all my progress will be lost if I get teleported back to the shore!
  12. Jasper (DayZ)

    Congratulations To The DayZ Team!

    With that grammar I doubt it! :P
  13. Jasper (DayZ)

    PC Gamer article with features to come

    This is what us modder dream of achieving, and Rocket has done it :) well done, all this publicity is well deserved.
  14. Jasper (DayZ)

    Compressed day/night cycle?

    The way I avoid the day/night system is by playing a server where it is day. So I basically never play at night. This system is therefore flawed. I would play just as much night as day if the UK servers had a faster day/night cycle. Maybe 24 hours = 6 hours or something.