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Everything posted by captainwaffles

  1. captainwaffles

    Idea for broken leg.

    YOU GUYS we can start the wheelchair mafia.
  2. captainwaffles

    Cherno vs. Elektro - Which is more dangerous?

    Well I would say cherno only because of the large factory towers that allow someone a fairly good sniping position. If someone is up there it can be a bitch to try and move around.
  3. captainwaffles

    WARNING: DayZ logic thread

    /gets hit by zombie /zombie is the dragonborn
  4. captainwaffles

    Should loot "grow"?

    So no pokemon league?
  5. captainwaffles

    Should loot "grow"?

    Alright so if your idea is implemented I can just camp a shed and farm as50s that magically grow from other guns and rounds? I didn't realize our guns were pokemon. Can we also have a pokemon league?!
  6. captainwaffles

    Dangerous basements/attics ( "the road")

    I dont think zombies should always be in them. Maybe there is just a chance of a few being inside. Also yeah no super rare loot maybe just a good amount of food or some civi ammo
  7. captainwaffles

    Bandits should have more consequences

    Why the hell did you just bump this up again?
  8. captainwaffles

    Zombie AI proposal

    This is actually a really awesome thread nice job
  9. captainwaffles

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    I want fraggleOs..
  10. I would prefer not having to spend my time counting calories and body fat. I love realism but not to the point where the game becomes a chore.
  11. captainwaffles

    Tell me your best kill...

    Hacker spawned in gear after tping me and about four people while they were looting i only took 1 satchel charge and boom all dead and hacked gear destroyed.
  12. captainwaffles

    Ethics of a Bandit?

    There are no ethics simple.
  13. captainwaffles

    Why I'm uninstalling DayZ

    WOW WE REALLY CARE!!!! Please informe e on your terrible problems oh great one
  14. captainwaffles

    Advanced (zombie) infection in SA

    Im sorry does no one listen? Rocket said that players are immune.
  15. captainwaffles

    Dumb ways that you have died?

    Driving with my friends in a van... the small bush showed no mercy....
  16. Ok idea. The only thing is that alot of people would just camp one they find until respawn
  17. captainwaffles

    DayZ Standalone Forum Best Ideas

    Scratching my knee does not cause serious injury so that would ve pretty stupid. Also the player is immune so no zombie players
  18. Inb4 forum section change
  19. captainwaffles

    More dangerous environment

    I could put a long speech about this but im tired right now so In short I want to play dayz not stalker
  20. captainwaffles

    Thought on nutrition, food, drinks, and survival in general.

    Ok. Good idea but it would make the game a little to tedious IMO.
  21. captainwaffles

    Zombie Intellegence and Behavior

    I would have to agree with demongrover it would give the zeds some charecter not just patrolling AI
  22. captainwaffles

    [Standalone] Suggestion for humanity indicator

    I think humanity should just be removed the only way to tell hero or bandit should be what you saw them do
  23. I think there should be no skins based on humanity if I slaughter others im not going to tell everyone and it is very stupid thst heroes get an advantage at all
  24. captainwaffles

    Add the rest of the bandit skin.

    Just remove skins based on actions
  25. Ok I understand we all want realism but the game should still be fun to play Im sure alot of us dont want to stop and check everything on our body