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Everything posted by captainwaffles

  1. captainwaffles

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    If I was a bandit im not going to make myself noticeable by wearing certain clothing also karma systems are a terrible idea
  2. captainwaffles

    Human <100% --- Humanity --- 0%> Zed

    No it punishes bandits this doesnt just make people think about murdering it makes it completely terrible Rocket will never add this so get over it he said no one play style will get punished, but if you want it like this how about if you have 100% humanity you turn into a giant vagina and cant do anything but complain and cry
  3. captainwaffles

    Why punish bandits?

    Yea im actually a bandit and its really stupid I hate the fact that i lose my ghillie just to get a really stupid head wrap
  4. This was actually pretty good but no NPCs or safe zones
  5. captainwaffles

    Martial Law

    Please go play warz and leave us alone
  6. You should play warz you could sit and paint rainbows and hug all day in the safe zones and hey who needs scavenging when you could get stuff at the stores in the safe zones. Doesn't this sound like your wet dream?
  7. How about if you die we put in a computer sensor in your pc and when you whine and bitch you get 100 volts of electricity
  8. captainwaffles

    My last 30 minutes.

    I have never been killed by hackers and it doesn't matter if your unarmed
  9. captainwaffles

    Humanity and Groups

    I have a better idea heros start with a bandage, painkillers and a flashlight and bandits start with a bandage painkillers and a flashlight
  10. captainwaffles

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    I challenge goc
  11. captainwaffles


    So you're mad because someone shot you/ get over it
  12. captainwaffles

    Liar US 2559

    Non PvP servers are pointless if you want to get nothing but great gear and be safe play warz
  13. captainwaffles

    I love combat logging

    This guy is a fucking prick but anyway why hate bandits?
  14. captainwaffles

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    Bronies play everything that gets a lot of people because they think mlp is revolutionary (they're idiots) and want to spread it
  15. captainwaffles

    Finally a reason for humanity

    Well Rocket has said no to advantages or punishments already
  16. captainwaffles

    Bandits and Mass Murderers. . . They hunger.

    someone got sniped
  17. if i go kill people im not going to run around wearing specific clothes to tell everyone
  18. captainwaffles

    Remove Nightvision Poll

    why the hell are people bitching about NVGs if someone found them they got lucky don't whine because you couldn't find any and want everything to be fair. The only problem is duping
  19. War Z is actually good think about it all the carebears and people who bitch and moan will go there and leave us
  20. captainwaffles

    Ammo spawns and there rarity.

    Thats the point. Anyway if you're mad that the game doesn't automatically refill your ammo then you're really fucking stupid.
  21. captainwaffles

    Helping new players with pop-ups?

    Oh magical sky bubbles teach me! NO
  22. captainwaffles

    New scenario idea!

    Well maybe civis but not military
  23. captainwaffles

    This is how you deal with Bandit Snipers.

    Im fine with snipers (they are not cowards its called being smart) but this guy had a hacked gun