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Everything posted by Keylime314

  1. Keylime314

    Would you rather be killed by a Hacker or a Bug?

    Depends. I'd rather be killed by a creative or fun hacker than a bug, but if its just a thunderdomes or some generic script then bug all the way. If a hacker takes the time to spawn a battleship ONTOP of you and let it crush you (its happened to me) then the hacker is fine in my books. As long as he's creative.
  2. Keylime314

    Blood Stained Axe Murderer???

    I had about the same thing happen Derpy. 2 hackers spawned in playing nursery rhymes while I was in a car. Just kept hitting them with the car @ 105 till they hatcheted the car engine.
  3. Keylime314

    Blood Stained Axe Murderer???

    Just hackers, not an easter egg, enjoy because hackers are the majority of the community anymore lol
  4. Keylime314

    What weapons do you carry?

    M4A1 CCO HALO M203 and a sniper rifle pending how bright it is (as50 or DMR) along with grenades and meds
  5. Keylime314

    Take out .50 cals

    Honestly I'm for removing .50 cals. I loot peoples camps and in MY teams camp we have a good 15+ AS50's stocked up. If they're not removed I'd honestly like wind speed factored in that way COD kiddies with snipers have to do math which is clearly out of the range of their abilities.
  6. Keylime314

    Another Successful Trade, They Are Possible

    I just recently traded with a mate I met who's from australia. No snipers, no cover, he had a pistol, I had a rifle. Traded my NVG's for 2 of his ghillies. Nothing eventful happened and now we're on good trading terms.
  7. Keylime314

    G36C SD (camo)

    Think of it this way instead: You want to know if it's hacked because hacking destroys a game You find out it's hacked, but won't be punished for using it You're using a hacked item, regardless of if you made it or not. Imo that's just as bad as hacking it. If you're that desperate for a gun I'd rather trade you one myself.
  8. Keylime314

    Target Practice?

    I did launch it through steam, should I click off dayz in the mods marker?
  9. Keylime314

    Target Practice?

    I downloaded the ARMA 2 range OP linked and I'm able to run it but I've run into an issue where I can't spawn. I just get the oversight of the entire area. Is there a specific team or something I'm supposed to join? EDIT: I can't seem to use single player mode, it's greyed out
  10. Are you guys still around? I haven't seen any of them on in the last...3 or so days. Just wondering is all.
  11. Add me on skype, Keylime314 I have a small 4-5 man group I run with and we're always willing to trade.
  12. Keylime314

    L85A2 aws Value?

  13. Keylime314

    Polygon Errors?

    I don't know what exactly is the cause but every now and then my polygons just go absolutely crazed and stretch across the screen. Typically this doesn't bother me too much but I just ran into Berzino and it's made the game absolutely unplayable. I can't see anything as my screen becomes a conglomeration of polygonal obstructions. Anyone know how to fix it? I tried searching the forums but I only got one topic which said to press shift and then - on the number pad then type flush, however when I pressed shift - there was nothing to allow me to type anything. I appreciate any help offered.
  14. Keylime314

    DayZ's Theme song

    Yeah, it fits too well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NuISynXwCo
  15. http://dayzmod.com/f...yz/#entry492754
  16. Kinda wish instead of what bugs you most you could pick 2-3 options, multiple choice there. Between lack of endgame, endgame being pretty much only death, alt+f4's, no reason to trust anyone you haven't previously teamed up with, and a few other options I had to begrudgingly pick only 1 thing. I went with "Lack of endgame content" because out of all of the option I think that one has the best chance of getting at least SOME people to work together.
  17. Keylime314

    Need verification

    Alright, my friend and I set up a camp, well hidden and the like but overlooking the coast. Well we're loading up a pick up and UAZ to move the camp. Suddenly we see a PBX fly by on the coast. I take shots and hit the driver 2-3 times with an L85, he doesn't die, get crippled or anything. Well my friend is filling up a White Pickup, it blows up and he gets Battleeye#55'd, which errors him out. I assume it's .50cal fire as the pickup was blown up instantly (before I hear he's errored). I grab my UAZ and book it into the forest. I get far enough in and pop out scanning with thermal, no reactions. I get back into the UAZ and book it, but 1 second passes then BOOM, UAZ blown up with me in it and I get Battleeye#55'd. This, needless to say pisses us off. We log back in and are both alive but the vehicles are blown up so we swear an oath to travel north and kill the bastard. Well a little backstory, 2 days before we found a camp with: 3 ATV's 1 Pickup 1 UAZ 1 Motorbike 6 Tents We raid all the camps, all the vehicles then proceed to DESTROY the tents. Back to the main story, we decide "fuck our gear, it's revenge". At this time we assume it's either an illegitimate admin or a hacker. Well we get up to the old camps and what do you know, the 6 tents are FULLY up and functional. First time we find the camps: 3 AS50's 6+ L85's 5 SVD Camo's 4 Ghillie's 3 MK 48's 16 Nightvisions 7 Range Finders 5 FN FAL's 6+ M4A1 CCO SD's SHITTONS of ammo SHITTONS of medical supplies This time we find: M107 AS50's Bizon+Mags M4A1 CCO SD's SHITTONS of ammo SHITTONS of medical supplies And tons more So I need clarification, hacker or server admind abuse or are we just overly paranoid. Keep in mind, this is 1-2 days they/he/she FULLY regeared the area
  18. Keylime314

    Need verification

    Yes but check what I typed. Not only were they restocked they had COMPLETELY different items and weapons. I also destroyed the tents
  19. Keylime314

    Need verification

  20. Here I thought people were leaving because of rampant hacks/scripts, every update breaking the game, the collection of glitches, and thr "client"(ARMA2) it's run through being utter shit.
  21. Keylime314

    Atmosphere in DayZ

    I bought DayZ a week ago and so far I've adored the game. From it's free roaming and scavenging to its KOS'ing bastardized community. This isn't meant to be an OP thread, complaint thread, or anything or the sort. This is just a community based thread to kinda see how people would react, or even just to get some ideas. Now as I said, I adore DayZ for what it is. Sure it has more problems than an algebra book, but there's some charm in that. The one thing that DOES get me in this game more than most others is the atmosphere. The oppressing loneliness when you're running along the shore. The deafening silence when you're in the woods. Flare lighting at night, the "ghost behind you" feeling you get in the dead of night. For all DayZ has wrong with it there are a ton of things it's doing right. I won't go into PvP, PvE, Looting and the like, this thread is all about atmosphere. Now, considering all that I do like about this...I can't help but feel, even if it's "alpha", there's a lot of missed opportunity here. I'll give a few examples. The first point I'd like to make while trying to avoid the talk of pvp and the likes; in terms of atmosphere, NVG and Thermal break immersion. Being forced to run in the dead of night, unable to see anything with only flares, flashlights and glow sticks to illuminate your path? Imagine running through a town, only a handful of glow sticks to light your way through the darkened zombie infested settlement. The nighttime flare animations hitting a tree line or building are beautiful and haunting. Honestly if you haven't, get a thing of roadflares, run to a forest/field area and throw one in the forest and in the fields. The lighting effects are beautiful, but noone has the chance to use them due to infinate thermal/night vision. Even flashlights with their directional lighting adds a lot to this game. Even keeping the NVG/Thermal IF you had to constantly power it with super rare batteries would be fine. Another point that bugs me is the audio. Zombies sound rather....bland, there's no creepiness to the audio. The way they move is fine, honestly when they glitch I'm not upset, the jerking and shaking just makes them look more terrifying. Back to the sound however, the zombies have some wierd... nasally sound. There's no projection to the screams, heaves, and grunting. It may just be me nitpicking but as I said, it seems nasally and forced. One huge thing that bugs me, and I mean HUGE...the lack of community input for the game. This one is a lot more broad, I'm not talking about weapons, vehicles, and the like. What I'm talking about is we have an extremely creative community overall, a "mod" that only grows with player support, and the game draws a lot of RP'rs into the community. There are tons of creative minds in this forums and they could be put to use. One of the things I'd like to use as an example is "Green Mountain". The entire "lore" of that mountain made by the community if phenomenal. The thought of something that's "Neither survivor, bandit, nor Zed" keeping watch and guarding that area is amazing. Keep in mind I'm not asking something put in the game like zombie bosses, or even let's say physical ghosts to see. What I'm saying is this in basic terms: You run up to Green Mountain which opens a 3 part path 1a: Zombies Spawn as normal, nothing happens (90% trigger) 1b: Nothing spawns and as you pass through the game, all ambient noises disappear. No more wind/birds/ect. Just your footsteps, breath, and add ambient heartbeat.(5%) 1c: Nothing spawns and your vision goes black and white as you're forced into first person mode and your character view starts shaking. (5%) 2a: Nothing - normal shit. 2b: As you get near the radio tower faint growling sounds echo around you. No discernible direction. 2c: As your vision sways and shakes your breathing gets heavier. If you look in certain areas you might see let's say an "apparition" for lack of better term. Basically you would see a "figure" but since you couldn't focus your sight as soon as you turned back to see it, boom, it's gone. 3a: Again, still nothing 3b: Growling gets louder and more ferocious until you leave the area, even then it follows you for a little bit. 3c: Eventually your vision returns to normal (lets say after 5 seconds) This is the kinda thing i'm talking about. Those would be simple triggers that you could complete with already implemented tools in the game. While the "C" path may effect gameplay, you could easily do "B" path with no issues. Christ, you could even add the radio item, go to certain spots to have creepy audio. Again, using green mountain as an example: I like the game and this thread is all but guaranteed to be ignored by "Rocket", but at least in the community I'm sure there's a few people who can/would be interested in this kind of thing. Sorry for a bit of a rant, but yeah...I'd just like to see something ACTUALLY happen with this game and I feel atmosphere could be this game's strongest card.
  22. Keylime314

    Atmosphere in DayZ

    Re-Bump @sausage I never said they should be removed, but adding a powersource to them imo would help. Giving them a requirement of batteries that have a low chance to spawn on convenience stores may be nice. @Community no ideas? So unless I make a thread labelled "BANDITS SUCK" or "BANDITS RULE" no posts are enabled? Come on, give some thoughts
  23. Keylime314

    Polygonal Errors?

    I don't know what exactly is the cause but every now and then polygons go absolutely crazed and stretch across the screen. Typically this doesn't bother me too much but upon exploring I decided to take a trip to berzino. On arrival I aggro'd 3-4 zombies and started to run deeper into the city. Suddenly I can't see anything as my screen becomes a clusterf*ck of polygonal obstructions covering the screen, making it almost completely grey. It makes the game completely unplayable as I can't tell where I am or even if anything is around me. Anyone know how to fix it?
  24. Keylime314

    Female Skins

    +1 to female skins