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Everything posted by TwitchyPickle

  1. Yep. No joke -- this is what we'll need next to help with the survival realism: http://screen.yahoo....n-30059128.html TP
  2. TwitchyPickle

    tents been wiped again?

    I bet they'll be there on server reset. And I'm even willing to help by going to check to make sure they're safe for you, if you'll provide me with the server name and a GPS location. :D
  3. TwitchyPickle

    Requesting Serious Help - BIG Reward

    I'll be happy to help you - by putting a bullet in your head to put you out of your misery (likely just before you put a bullet in me). :P
  4. TwitchyPickle

    "End Game" suggestion

    I'm not sure "End Game" is the correct term I'm looking for here - but it'll have to do: Issue: Dayz is fantastic. It only lacks a purpose for those who want to achieve something in the long run, aka achieve End Game access and content Suggestion: After X number of days of survival, a player becomes eligible to discover/find lootable items that can be saved to provide access to a different map, which will be hosted on other servers. After discovering all necessary components to achieve access to the other map, the player can decide to move on to the other map on whatever servers it's being hosted, or he can stay on the same, standard map to continue LMOE (that's Last Man on Earth to you...) survivial/bandit activities such as we all are doing now. Details: Minimum days necessary to qualify for discovery of "keys" to move to next level map Next level map will be hosted in exactly the same way the current alpha map is hosted -- by private individuals who elect to run either the standard, alpha map or the second level map The "keys" for accessing the second level map could be anything from actual keys on a key ring to pieces of a book that have directions, etc. Think along appropriate story-lines for this mechanisim. Keys could be multi-level, meaning you get access to find the first key after 5 days of survival, and the next key after 10 days, etc., and you need X number of keys to move on. The second level map should provide different scenarios and game-play for long term survivors who achieve access. For example: It could be a safe zone area map such as a small city behind a perimeter (frequently overrun by zeds) in which survivors fight the attacking zeds or each other (depending on particular server culture i.e. clans, etc.), build up the fortifications, or tear them down. The POINT here is that the second level map provides different play for long term survivors over typical foraging and survival-centric activities. Accessing the second level map is entirely optional. OK - there it is. Now, tear it down, mates! ;) TwitchyPickle
  5. TwitchyPickle

    "End Game" suggestion

    This is a decent idea. Here are my thoughts for expanding the idea: - Next level island/map is reached only by sailing out into the ocean to a particular distance - Can only sail with a boat you construct from rare items that typically spawn in Military zones, hence making it harder to find them all quickly. - Obviously, to sail to the next level/map, to embark, you must return to the coast where player population density will become a threat to you again. - Once you sail out into the ocean far enough, your character receives a flag on his profile in the database, which allows him to access the next level map wherever that map is being host on the net. When you die on any server, your map access flag is reset, and you must return to the level 1 map to start over. - When you first access the second level map, the first moments on the map could be spent in your boat, sailing to the shoreline (similar to how on the level one map today you start on the shore with no equipment). Subsequent login on the second map would just return you to your last-logged location on that map. tp
  6. What's the latest word on whether camo / ghillie's are safe to wear and log in and out while wearing? I'm seeing fixed, but then again, you never know in the world of alpha. thanks in advance! tp
  7. This game is a whole new animal. You have to get very used to crawling and going slow, being very patient and observant. And also, unlike most games you've played, your sound feedback will be critical. You need to pay very close attention to what you're hearing around you (e.g. zed sounds, distant shots in nearby areas, footsteps, etc.). good luck!
  8. TwitchyPickle

    Your stupidest death

    You were probably sniped (head shot, no doubt) or killed by a silenced weapon, also likely a headshot.
  9. Just thought I'd share this experience I had with those of you, who like me, are bored and looking for something about Dayz play to read... I've been playing nightly since early May. My most recent long term survival effort had me at 28 days. I survived shootouts with bandits, several strategic trips to "hot-spots" like the NW airfield, one of which had me getting sniped from afar, leaving me with a broken leg, no morphine, holed up in a metal building, praying, only to be saved by another, very large group of players moving into the area and putting down some dramatic exchange of fire with the group of snipers that had winged me. I made a crawling escape out of the area during the fire-fight. I also survived being nearly gutted by what seemed to be an elite zed who WOULD NOT DIE. I had no bandage and had to run to the only building on the horizon where I got very lucky, found a bandage and stopped the flow with 900 blood left. I survived a run-in with another survivor who emerged no more than 100m in front of me across a clearing. We stared at each other for what felt like 10 minutes before we both backed off. I survived nearly being run over by, of all things, a school bus that was barreling through a small northern town at dusk where I was, until that point, alone, crawling by the road (the driver never saw me, but I imagined I could feel the wind from the tires of the bus by my head). I looted half-a-dozen chopper crashes, had my pick of the best weapons and gear in the game and played nightly for at least 2 hours and was living very high on the hog, until..... I logged in Sunday morning after a fine saturday evening of joining a buddy out in the woods where we feasted on the remains of an unlooted chopper crash. Immediately upon logging-in I found myself hoisted high in the air over the trees and then slammed into the ground. The sound of flies was immediately turned-on, and I knew that my long survival stretch was over. It was extremely similar to the episodes on the show Lost where the Smoke Monster picks people up and slams them into the ground. I was in awe of how it happened. Even though I sure it was a bug (z-index location corrupted or something like that), it just felt so bizarre that I have to praise the way it happened. The nuances of this mod are so colorful that even being killed by a bug can be interesting and imaginative - So - back to the grind I go! TwitchyPickle
  10. TwitchyPickle

    Teleported and killed : hacker or admin?

    I'm going with coincidence and bad luck (for them - good luck for the person who had the car fall into his lap, not to mention the tasty loot your bros. probably had)