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Everything posted by Tristan73

  1. Tristan73

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    I have an as50 equippd along with an m4 silenced in my bag, i came back in this morning after logging last night, lost all the ammo for my as50 m1911 and my bag is completely.fucking.empty.
  2. My brother is a new player so i took him to the airfield, he was looting the hangars with me as cover, and the admin runs in, then runs out not seeing him and he goes to loot a cow he shot and i kill him, he kicked my brother off the game thinking it was him, my brother comes back in and the admin his name is Hatchet, spawns in invisible behind him kills him, i try to snipe him (while hes invisible because hes shooting) i can see the smoke shoot where i think he is and he kicks me. (he also had spawned himself gear) im so sick of admin abuse.
  3. Tristan73

    Question on pending update

    Yes you can You need to go to the main screen w3ith Single player Multi Player etc, go to options and its somewhere in there
  4. I dont think the 5 second log out is a good idea yet, there are still many hackers and your only way to live is to log soon enough, until they can cut down the hacking by 90% then they should when hacking isnt nearly as common as for now dieing from a hacker when i had a mk 48 mod and an m16 acog is very annoying and makes me want to throw my computer into my pool
  5. Tristan73

    Are helicopter back in Dayz?

    Nope, Helicopters added today in the latest patch!! :)
  6. how did you get rid of it? and how did u find it
  7. Tristan73

    CD key in use

    i bought mine off steam and have this problem
  8. Tristan73

    CD key in use

    I bought mine off steam and have this problem
  9. Tristan73

    checksum update error

    https://dev-heaven.net/issues/35656 i found this and the solution is in the comments i just dont know exactly how to do it or where to find it if you can figure it out please let me know im not that great with computers