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Everything posted by domepx2

  1. domepx2


    I actually like that idea, means that there ia more to being sick than just a bar in your tab menu. and it would be pretty funny in some circumstances.
  2. domepx2

    Working History Tab

    They should really add some more options to the server browser, specially for the History tab, such as adding a filter for how long ago you connected. So say you were playing on a server 2 days previously, and wanted to join it again, you could filter the time settings to "up to a week" and it would display all the servers you joined for the past seven days.
  3. domepx2

    ultra rare katana

    I'd like to see a katana in the game, but only if I can actually slice zeds in half. If that's part of the package, count me in.
  4. domepx2

    Snipering and reading

    Enforcer.. there are books in the game, that you can read.. all ready.
  5. domepx2

    A few ideas i have to make DayZ more realistic !

    I like the idea about picking up the unconscious and injured, but Rocket said that they will never implement a system where people turn, as the "zombies" are actually infected. The survivors are immune to the disease, and so will never turn into an infected.
  6. domepx2

    mosin recoil

    Well, rangefinders should be implemented in the game, but incredibly rare.. As for judging range without one, just guess, chances are you will be right. Whatever distance it looks to be, set it to that and aim up or down above your target, chances are, if you're a good shot, you will hit your target
  7. No to the island, yes to the climate and rad zones
  8. domepx2

    Bad eyesight / Glasses

    Well, this is a very basic suggestion that i feel could add some more realism to the game, but which I could also see could anger some of the player base. Bad eyesight with some characters. Now, at the moment, every character spawns with 20/20 vision, however, in a real life scenario, there will be many survivors who would not have this privilege. Now, what I'd think to be a good idea would be that upon spawning, your new character has a small chance to spawn short sighted. Meaning that in a close range, everything would be clear, however the further you look away, the blurier your vision becomes. Now, with the addition of this, we could also add in glasses. This way, for a character to regain his 20/20 vision, he will have to find a pair of glasses. There isn't really much to say, but I think it would be a cool feature to have in the game, and it could bring a little bit more realism to the game. - An idea of what your vision could look like, without glasses. Thanks for reading.
  9. domepx2

    Bad eyesight / Glasses

    People all ready do leap from tall buildings if they get a bad spawn. And besides, think of how many people wear glasses, they're not going to be hard to find at all, it just makes it a bit more challenging for the player as he starts off.
  10. domepx2

    Zombies and You! A Suggestion by DayZ-Reporter

    I just seen the comic sans and was like, "No"
  11. domepx2

    Perhaps an alternative to KoS = Tazers?

    Really? A few hours from the last reply and you had to bump? Personally, I don't want them. Doesn't seem like a good Idea to me. And it won't reduce KOS. People will still have guns and will still kill people, as a tazer won't stop the person who they just stole of from chasing them down straight after they get back up.
  12. domepx2

    Better Voice acting

    Well, this is a very small suggestion but I notice that the voice acting is the same for both male and females characters. I like to change characters after I die, and that's when I noticed this. Although for the first few minutes as playing as a female character, I found the very deep, obviously male panting rather funny, It did start to rattle my cage a little. It sorta brought me a little out of the immersion of the game. I know it's still alpha, but I'm sure that doing a female voice acting would not be very hard and could easily be done for a quick patch update.
  13. I would say add .223 rifles to the game. These guns have a lot more kick than a .22 but are still practical hunting rifles. Also, .223 rifles can fire 5.56 NATO rounds through it, meaning that you could split an STAGNAG into 6 5 round 5.56 for use in a .223 rifle.
  14. domepx2

    Bandit outfit

    I think actual civilian clothing, like a plain t shirt and jeans would look a lot better than everyone looking like a PMC. Everyone in the game are civies who survived the infection. They should look like civies, not PMC's. And then you could add a bullet proof vest, different hat etc etc, make your character it's own.
  15. domepx2

    Arm the infected.

    Ever considered instead of infected soldiers shooting at you, maybe you could just have plain old regular Chedaki or Chenarussians who are hostile..... would make more sense that they are trying to hold onto the airfield as their uninfected piece of heaven, and they do this by killing survivors who enter the base....
  16. If you're "to busy working" why are you on the forums then?
  17. Probably been asked before but will it? I would like to try Lingor but I wouldn't want it to ruin my main DayZ play through on Chenarus. I'm currently on
  18. Thanks, may give it a go then.
  19. domepx2

    Non Leathal Rounds?

    I would like this idea, but only if the ammo is rare. This could lead to many dark days in DayZ ahead of us if trolls got this as their new play toy. But I also think the gear option should be altered so when the person, say a bandit, is down after being hit by the rubber bullet, that a survivor could run over and quickly disarm the bandit lowering the threat level of the bandit, but this can only be used for the weapon which is drawn, meaning that he could pull his sidearm out and chase you down. Thoughts?
  20. As the title says, I am currently offering medical help for the next hour or two, my traveling supplies are low so I won't be able to make long trips up north, I will mainly try to work in the south western area, mainly in the Cherno- Elektro area. Send me a Pm on the forums or contact me through steam, my user name on steam is DomePX2, I don'y currently posses a mic so I will talk through direct chat or steam chat, my in-game name is Taylor. THIS IS ONLY TEMP, i am only seeing if I will enjoy this sort of gameplay, so this is sorta a trial run. Thanks
  21. I'm pretty sure that if you can play Arma maxed out you'll be able to play any game maxed out lol
  22. Arma 2 is a very GPU demanding game. I used to only be able to play DayZ/Arma 2 on Very low settings with my old Radeon HD 6450, Now I can play it on very high with 60-40 fps with my new HD 6870 Sapphire. Also I think you are recommended to have 3GHz. Correct me if i'm wrong.
  23. domepx2

    Wolf Armouries - Giveaway

    Current equipment: AKM, M1911, Alice pack filled with medical gear, basic tools Dream equipment: FN FAL( NV), coyote backpack( for carrying lots of medical supplies) M9 SD, NVG's, Rangefinder, toolbox The reason I would like these are that I am currently playing as a medic and occasionally people will try and kill me, I need a good gun to fight back against those who do try and steal my stuff, need a big pack so I can carry more supplies, NVG's so I can work safely on Night servers and a toolbox so I can repair vehicles so I can travel from city to city quicker.
  24. While playing in a server I randomly received a message across my screen that I have had scripting detected by Battleye in my history and that I have been put up for global ban, The person beside me also received this message at the same time as me. He said he was being killed by a hacker earlier on and that the hacker was still in the server. I just want to know if this is a mistake as I have NEVER hacked before in any game, or could this just be the hacker in the game trying to scare the shit out of us legit players? Also are global bans not handed out as soon as someone hacks? Please reply.
  25. Our "friendly neighborhood sniper" triumphs again! What was the name of the last song?