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About Fox_SPH

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  1. Fox_SPH

    Day Z Urban Legends

    The strangest thing I've just read in this story is definitely the server. A server with all friendly players that are organized with a chopper to transport people without asking anything in return is something comparable to the legend of the Holy Grail.
  2. Fox_SPH

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Gentlemen, great stories, as always scary as hell. I am here to report this topic on a strange kind of hatchet murder (Screen inside): HERE. One section seems excessive to me, is a topic considered futile by many other players, but, of course, this post must be pinned/sticky.
  3. Fox_SPH

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Tell'em to migrate on the European servers. We need groups like this to enforce the law and have less KoS players.
  4. Fox_SPH

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Oki, guys, i'm in (ping allowing). Now explain me what you intend for "big". : D
  5. Fox_SPH

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I report this post i've just read on the "Green Mountain..." thread. Posted by son54:
  6. Fox_SPH

    Survival. Not COD. -_-

    I'm a big fan of CoD, but I have never killed a person in three weeks of play in DayZ. Statements like this will always be incomprehensible to me. Mass murderers problem will have no solution as long as devs do not make it so that there is an hardly-recognizable detail that allow us to spot bandits (Blood-convered hands for example). In real life there would be ethics to mitigate such behavior, and 90% of murderers kill just to ensure survival not for fun.
  7. Fox_SPH

    Green mountain...

    Creepy as fu*kin' hell! : D When back in touch with one of the witnesses tell us in detail what happened, I'm too curious.
  8. Because I believe that the event will take place on a server far enough away from Italy and we cannot attend, please make a video. Great idea. Love this kind of things.
  9. Fox_SPH

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Another story on the dreaded green mountain! In a few months GM will be the perfect place to base camp, no player ever to approach that hunted place. xD Just kidding, although I have not visited this place yet your stories are quite illustrative of the nature of that location. The rumors that say the infection started from there have some truth, in your opinion?
  10. Fox_SPH

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I guess so.
  11. Fox_SPH

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Not really a "Urban Legend", but hardcore enough. Anyway, my story is a mere oddity, probably a player that was trolling me, and happened last week while I was crawling in Cherno. My goal was not to be found by a group of three bandits from which I escaped just before in the surrounding countryside. I was crawling in a plot of land surrounded by some walls inside which there was built anything, just grass and a couple of trees. I was sneaking inside this area when suddenly I heard a noise like the wind, but darker (The pitch looked down an octave, if you know what I mean). II looked around and did not see anything strange, so I continued to crawl. When I passed more or less half of the area that I described above i heard a deep whisper: "Ahhhhhh... Right Behind You!". I literally shit my pants (was the day that before starting to play I read this topic) and I turned and looked around immediately. Nobody was there. I continued to crawl very cautiously for a few seconds until I heard it again, this time louder. The strange thing for me at that moment was that, normally, with the logitech g35 (My headset) in 7.1 I clearly hear where the sounds comes from around me, but that seemed to come from all parts, not from a specific point. Without thinking twice I stood up and started to run out of Cherno to get Cap Golova and the meeting with my friends. Said that, why is not this topic sticky at the bottom of General Discussion Forum?
  12. So let's begin to fix everything that does not work before implementing things like dogs. Arrange the disconnection and alt+f4 problems, for example, is something that requires fifteen minutes of coding and it is something that the whole community is clamoring by a long time.
  13. Happened to me today two times on DEs servers: First time me and a friend of mine were near Nadhezino and a lot of players spawned near us, we run behind the hill and change server during that crazy firefight. Second time (Another DE server) we spawn in the same place (despite the in-game map said we were near Balota Airfield) and we find a lot of dead player's bodies. We started to travel south and in a few minutes we were respawned near the Balota Airfield where I was shooted (Fortunately I survived). We run to the coast where we decided to logoff. Chernarus today is more dangerous than usual.
  14. Fox_SPH

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I noticed another similarity among some of the stories that have been posted here: the presence of mysterious "guardian angels/admin" who help injured survivors or break down zombies for them. (I have found only sociopathic killers who were desirous of my flashlight, apparently.) Unfortunately we have no evidence that this really happened. A member of my team has found a boat, as soon as we get together we want to move towards Sikorsky Island to investigate.
  15. Sad (I mean funny), but true, mate. You have my beans.