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About AzureSkys

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    On the Coast
  1. One small thing, R for Reload isn't mentioned in the OP. I'm also an ESDF user which I've done for years starting with my first online game of Medal of Honor Allied Assault. Since then I've used in every game I've played basing: ESDF for movement A - Lean Left Q - Lean Right (which allows easy movement while leaning) V - Crouch LeftShift - Run/Walk toggle R - Use T - Reload Everything else gets moved around from that. My Battefield 1942/BF2 days put map in W, prone at X and weapon fire mode at Z for most games I've played with them. It's funny how we get our own styles. I still don't fully understandy why WASD became the default play style when ESDF is the natural position for the left hand.